
Scottish Health Survey 2017 - volume one: main report

Presents results for the Scottish Health Survey 2017, providing information on the health and factors relating to health of people living in Scotland.

Table 4.2 Estimated usual weekly alcohol consumption level, 2017, by age and sex

Aged 16 and over 2017
Alcohol units per week Age Total
16-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+  
  % % % % % % % %
Estimated usual weekly alcohol consumption levela
Non-drinker 14 8 16 12 14 15 29 14
Moderate 51 61 59 51 48 49 48 53
Hazardous / Harmful 35 31 24 37 39 36 23 33
Mean units per weekb 15.2 11.9 16.4 19.0 19.5 17.9 13.2 16.4
SE of the mean 1.72 1.11 3.27 2.10 1.74 1.39 1.27 0.79
Estimated usual weekly alcohol consumption levela
Non-drinker 18 20 13 13 16 24 40 19
Moderate 63 71 72 67 61 62 56 65
Hazardous / Harmful 18 9 15 20 24 14 5 16
Mean units per weekb 9.7 6.2 8.6 9.7 11.2 7.9 4.8 8.6
SE of the mean 1.45 0.82 0.78 0.72 0.80 0.74 0.64 0.34
All adults
Estimated usual weekly alcohol consumption levela
Non-drinker 16 14 15 12 15 20 35 17
Moderate 57 66 66 60 54 56 52 59
Hazardous / Harmful 27 20 20 28 31 24 12 24
Mean units per weekb 12.6 9.2 12.3 14.1 15.3 13 8.6 12.5
SE of the mean 1.19 0.74 1.66 1.09 1.03 0.93 0.78 0.45
Bases (weighted):
Men 223 294 269 313 281 220 142 1743
Male drinkers 188 269 215 273 242 187 99 1472
Women 206 301 283 345 298 242 201 1877
Female drinkers 168 239 238 299 245 178 118 1486
All adults 429 595 552 658 580 462 343 3619
All drinkers 357 508 453 572 487 365 218 2958
Bases (unweighted):
Men 122 219 200 239 326 282 188 1576
Male drinkers 100 201 162 207 277 236 130 1313
Women 139 282 322 365 384 339 235 2066
Female drinkers 112 224 267 313 317 255 138 1626
All adults 261 501 522 604 710 621 423 3642
All drinkers 212 425 429 520 594 491 268 2939

a Non-drinker: no units per week; Moderate: >0 units and up to 14 units; Hazardous / harmful: more than 14 units
b Those who had consumed alcohol in the past year


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