
Scottish Health Survey 2018: main report - revised 2020

An amended version of the Scottish Health Survey 2018 main report.

Table 4.5: Use of NRT and other products, 2018, by age and sex

Base: Aged 16 and over ex-smokers or ever attempted to stop smoking 2018
NRT use Age Total
16-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+
% % % % % % % %
Men Nicotine gum, nicotine patches, nasal spray/nicotine inhaler or lozenge/microtab [10] 18 33 34 25 31 11 26
Champix/Valenicline or Zyban/Bupropian [-] 2 2 10 7 6 - 5
Electronic cigarette/vaping device [32] 31 17 19 22 7 5 19
Not used any of the above [65] 62 57 48 58 64 89 61
Women Nicotine gum, nicotine patches, nasal spray/nicotine inhaler or lozenge/microtab [15] 30 27 36 31 24 25 29
Champix/Valenicline or Zyban/Bupropian [-] 3 6 9 6 3 - 5
Electronic cigarette/vaping device [32] 17 26 22 13 12 6 18
Not used any of the above [60] 58 53 48 58 65 72 58
All adults Nicotine gum, nicotine patches, nasal spray/nicotine inhaler or lozenge/microtab 12 24 30 35 28 28 18 27
Champix/Valenicline or Zyban/Bupropian - 3 4 10 6 5 - 5
Electronic cigarette/vaping device 32 24 22 20 18 9 5 18
Not used any of the above 62 60 55 48 58 65 80 59
Unweighted bases Men 23 100 102 143 154 157 116 795
Women 39 144 162 197 192 191 105 1030
All adults 62 244 264 340 346 348 221 1825
Weighted bases Men 43 163 122 163 149 114 81 834
Women 46 150 141 184 150 132 89 893
All adults 89 313 263 347 299 247 170 1727

Square brackets around numbers denote that interpretation of the data should be cautious due to low bases for these sub-groups



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