
Scottish Health Survey 2018: main report - revised 2020

An amended version of the Scottish Health Survey 2018 main report.

Table 5.5: Summary of child eating habits, 2008/09, 2010/11, 2013/14, 2015/16 and 2017/18 combined

Base: Aged 2-15 2008/09, 2010/11, 2013/14, 2015/16 and 2017/18 combined
Food type and frequency 2008/09 2010/11 2013/14 2015/16 2017/18
% % % % %
Boys Oily fish once a week or more 12 13 15 16 20
White fish once a week or more 51 50 56 52 55
Tuna fish once a week or more 28 25 24 25 24
Red meata 2+ times a week 59 58 59 56 55
Meat productsb 2+ times a week 43 43 45 48 41
Drinks skimmed/semi-skimmed milk 55 56 59 54 53
Sweets or chocolates once a day or more 53 50 53 50 46
Biscuits once a day or more 43 44 36 34 30
Cakes 2+ times a week 33 35 32 32 31
Ice-cream once a week or more 53 53 51 48 48
Non-diet soft drinks once a day or more 39 39 39 35 18
Crisps once a day or more 36 38 39 33 34
Chips 2+ times a week 41 43 44 42 43
Potatoes, pasta, rice 5+ times a week 54 53 48 49 48
At least 2-3 slices of high fibre bread a day 35 36 34 35 28
High fibre/low sugar cereal at least 5-6 times a week 28 30 30 30 27
Girls Oily fish once a week or more 13 15 15 16 18
White fish once a week or more 45 47 51 51 49
Tuna fish once a week or more 36 33 29 29 29
Red meata 2+ times a week 56 57 56 58 54
Meat productsb 2+ times a week 32 35 32 36 36
Drinks skimmed/semi-skimmed milk 59 60 59 60 58
Sweets or chocolates once a day or more 52 48 49 50 47
Biscuits once a day or more 41 37 30 31 27
Cakes 2+ times a week 31 34 32 33 32
Ice-cream once a week or more 54 51 51 49 53
Non-diet soft drinks once a day or more 36 38 39 35 15
Crisps once a day or more 35 39 35 32 36
Chips 2+ times a week 40 41 37 41 43
Potatoes, pasta, rice 5+ times a week 54 53 54 51 49
At least 2-3 slices of high fibre bread a day 34 32 30 30 27
High fibre/low sugar cereal at least 5-6 times a week 26 27 26 27 26
All children Oily fish once a week or more 13 14 15 16 19
White fish once a week or more 48 49 53 52 52
Tuna fish once a week or more 32 29 27 27 26
Red meata 2+ times a week 57 58 58 57 54
Meat productsb 2+ times a week 38 39 39 42 39
Drinks skimmed/semi-skimmed milk 57 58 59 57 55
Sweets or chocolates once a day or more 52 49 51 50 47
Biscuits once a day or more 42 40 34 32 28
Cakes 2+ times a week 32 34 32 33 32
Ice-cream once a week or more 53 52 51 48 50
Non-diet soft drinks once a day or more 38 38 39 35 16
Crisps once a day or more 36 38 37 33 35
Chips 2+ times a week 40 42 41 42 43
Potatoes, pasta, rice 5+ times a week 54 53 51 50 49
At least 2-3 slices of high fibre bread a day 35 34 32 32 28
High fibre/low sugar cereal at least 5-6 times a week 27 28 28 29 27
Unweighted bases Boys 1920 1677 1549 1300 1636
Girls 1854 1543 1492 1292 1466
All children 3774 3220 3041 2592 3102
Weighted bases Boys 1946 1674 1572 1317 1616
Girls 1846 1597 1507 1301 1541
All children 3793 3271 3080 2618 3157

a Red meat includes for example beef, lamb or pork
b Meat products includes for example sausages, meat pies, bridies, corned beef or burgers



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