
Scottish Health Survey 2018: main report - revised 2020

An amended version of the Scottish Health Survey 2018 main report.

Table 6.4: Adult adherence to muscle strengthening and MVPA guidelines, 2018, by age and sex

Base: Aged 16 and over 2018
Proportion meeting guidelinesa Age Total
16-24b 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+
% % % % % % % %
Men Meets MVPA & muscle guidelines 53 44 36 26 23 14 12 31
Meets MVPA guidelines only 30 39 43 42 42 42 27 39
Meets muscle guideline only 0 - 1 1 1 0 2 1
Meets neither guideline 17 17 20 30 33 43 60 29
Total meeting MPVA guideline 83 83 79 68 66 56 39 70
Total meeting muscle guideline 54 44 37 27 24 15 13 32
Women Meets MVPA & muscle guidelines 47 38 31 28 23 15 5 27
Meets MVPA guidelines only 23 39 41 37 37 35 22 34
Meets muscle guideline only 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1
Meets neither guideline 29 22 27 34 38 48 72 37
Total meeting MPVA guideline 70 77 72 65 60 50 26 62
Total meeting muscle guideline 48 39 32 29 24 17 6 29
All adults Meets MVPA & muscle guidelines 50 41 34 27 23 15 8 29
Meets MVPA guidelines only 27 39 42 40 40 38 24 37
Meets muscle guideline only 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 1
Meets neither guideline 23 20 24 32 36 46 67 33
Total meeting MPVA guideline 77 80 75 67 63 53 31 66
Total meeting muscle guideline 51 42 34 28 24 16 9 30
Unweighted bases Men 158 227 279 375 371 388 262 2060
Women 202 362 407 472 490 468 325 2726
All adults 360 589 686 847 861 856 587 4786
Weighted bases Men 307 384 349 411 372 288 190 2300
Women 294 400 367 443 394 320 266 2486
All adults 601 784 716 854 767 608 456 4786

a Meets moderate / vigorous physical activity (MVPA) guidelines = 150 mins moderate / 75 mins vigorous / combination of both per week; Meets muscle guideline = carries out activities that strengthen muscles on at least two days per week
b Physical activity guidelines for those aged 16-18 are at least one hour of moderate or vigorous activity each day. As SHeS participants of that age were given the adult questionnaire, which does not ask separately about each day, they have been included in this table assessed against the adult criteria



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