
Scottish Health Survey 2018: main report - revised 2020

An amended version of the Scottish Health Survey 2018 main report.

Table 8.8: Doctor-diagnosed COPD, (age-standardised), 2018, by smoking status and sex

Base: Aged 16 and over 2018
Doctor-diagnosed COPD Smoking statusa and number of cigarettes a day
Non-smoker or smoked occasionally Used to smoke Less than 20 cigarettes a day 20 or more cigarettes a day
% % % %
Men Yes 1 5 7 10
No 99 95 93 90
Women Yes 1 6 12 21
No 99 94 88 79
All adults Yes 1 5 9 13
No 99 95 91 86
Unweighted bases Men 1129 554 263 102
Women 1628 638 372 74
All adults 2757 1192 635 176
Weighted bases Men 1312 509 357 107
Women 1526 533 346 56
All adults 2838 1042 703 164

a Smoking status excludes cases where respondent did not know how many they smoked a day
Age-standardisation has been carried out using 2017 mid-year population estimates for private households in Scotland. Please see the technical report for more information.



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