The Scottish Health Survey 2022: summary report

Key findings from the Scottish Health Survey 2022 report.

Chapter 9. Physical Activity

In 2022 65% of adults met the guidelines for moderate or vigorous physical activity (MVPA).[4]

As in previous years, younger adults were more likely than older adults to have met the MVPA guidelines.

  • 16-24: 76%
  • 25-34: 80%
  • 35-44: 74%
  • 45-54: 66%
  • 55-64: 58%
  • 65-74: 55%
  • 75+: 37%

In 2022, the age-standardised proportion of adults meeting the MVPA guidelines increased as deprivation decreased.

  • Most deprived: 57%
  • 2th: 60%
  • 3rd: 65%
  • 4nd: 68%
  • Least deprived: 73%

In 2022 the most common reasons given by all adults for participation in physical activities were to:

  • Keep fit (not just to lose weight): 70%
  • Enjoy it: 60%
  • De-stress-relax-unwind: 45%
  • Socialise: 35%
  • And/or for health reasons/to improve health: 32%

Amongst adults who did not meet the MVPA guidelines, the most common reasons given were:

  • Health was not good enough: 41%
  • Difficult to find time: 22%
  • Not being interested: 20%

The average time adults spent sitting on weekdays, excluding time working, at college or at school, increased from:

  • 2015: 5.2hrs
  • 2022: 5.6hrs

The average time adults spent sitting on weekends, excluding time working, at college or at school, increased from:

  • 2015: 5.9hrs
  • 2022: 6.3hrs

The average amount of time children spent on sedentary activities on weekdays, excluding time at school or nursery, has been in the range from:

  • 2015: 3.3hrs
  • 2022: 3.6hrs

It has increased over weekends from:

  • 2015: 4.5hrs
  • 2022: 5.1hrs

In 2022, the proportion of all children aged 5-15 undertaking at least 60 minutes of activity on average per day in the previous week was:

  • Including school-based activities: 69%
  • Excluding school-based activities: 59%

Including school-based activities, around two in ten children aged 5-15 achieved at least 30 but less than 60 minutes per day on average. While just over one in ten achieved less than 30 minutes of physical activity on average per day:

A wheel chart showing the proportion of children with different durations of physical activity per day including school-based activities.  The graph shows 69% reported more than 60 minutes, 19% reported between 30 and 60 minutes and 12% reported less than 30 minutes.

Girls were more likely to undertake at least 30 but less than 60 minutes of activity on average per day (22%) than boys (16%).

  • Girls
    • >60: 66%
    • 30-60: 22%
    • <30: 12%
  • Boys
    • >60: 72%
    • 30-60: 16%
    • <30: 12%



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