The Scottish Health Survey 2022: summary report

Key findings from the Scottish Health Survey 2022 report.

Chapter 6. Alcohol

For all adults, prevalence of hazardous or harmful drinking has generally decreased over time, with levels dropping from 34% in 2003 to 22% in 2022.

  • 2003: 34%
  • 2008: 32%
  • 2009: 29%
  • 2010: 28%
  • 2011: 28%
  • 2012: 28%
  • 2013: 25%
  • 2014: 25%
  • 2015: 26%
  • 2016: 26%
  • 2017: 24%
  • 2018: 24%
  • 2019: 24%
  • 2021: 23%
  • 2022: 22%

Non-drinking prevalence rose from 11% in 2003 to 19% in 2022.

  • 2003: 11%
  • 2022: 19%

In 2022, hazardous or harmful drinking levels varied by age, ranging between 15% of those aged 75 and over to 28% among those aged 55 – 64.

  • 16-24: 26%
  • 25-34: 20%
  • 35-44: 22%
  • 45-54: 24%
  • 55-64: 28%
  • 65-74: 20%
  • 75+: 15%

In 2022, the average number of units of alcohol consumed per week by all drinkers was 12.6 units, ranging significantly by age from 15.5 units among drinkers aged 16-24 years to 10.2 among drinkers aged 75+.

  • 16-24: 15.5
  • 25-34: 10.7
  • 35-44: 12.6
  • 45-54: 13.7
  • 55-64: 13.4
  • 65-74: 12.0
  • 75+: 10.2

Prevalence of hazardous or harmful drinking levels was significantly higher among those living in the least deprived areas (28% in SIMD quintile 5) than among those living elsewhere (19-23%).

  • SIMD quintile 5 (least deprived): 28%
  • SIMD quintile 4: 24%
  • SIMD quintile 3: 20%
  • SIMD quintile 2: 23%
  • SIMD quintile 1 (most deprived): 19%

Hazardous or harmful drinking was most prevalent among those who reported having a non-limiting long-term condition and least prevalent among those with a long -term condition that limited their activities.

  • Limiting long-term conditions: 17%
  • Non-limiting long-term conditions: 29%
  • No long-term conditions: 25%



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