
The Scottish Health Survey 2023 - volume 1: main report

This report presents results for the Scottish Health Survey 2023, providing information on the health and factors relating to health of people living in Scotland.

Content Of This Report

This volume contains chapters with substantive results from SHeS 2023, and is one of two volumes based on the survey, published as a set as ‘The Scottish Health Survey 2023’:

Volume 1: Main Report

1. Mental Health and Wellbeing

2. General Health, CVD, CPR training and Caring

3. Respiratory Conditions

4. Dental Health

5. Diet and Food Insecurity

6. Physical Activity

7. Smoking

8. Alcohol and Drugs

9. Obesity

Volume 2: Technical Report

Volume 2 includes a detailed description of the survey methods including: survey design and response; sampling and weighting procedures; definitions.

Both volumes are available on the Scottish Government website:



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