Scottish Health Survey: content review outcomes report

This report summarises changes that have and will be made to the content of the Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) from 2024 onwards. Some of these changes do not apply to the 2024 survey and will be made to future years.

Overview of data collection in SHeS

SHeS data collection involves a main computer assisted personal interview (CAPI), an online or paper self-completion questionnaire, height and weight measurements and, if applicable, adults also complete a biological module. A sample of addresses are randomly selected  and these are then allocated to version A or version B of the survey, see figure 1. Two thirds of the sample are allocated to version A and complete a slightly longer interview. The remaining third of the sample are allocated to version B, the biological sample. Adults in these households are asked fewer questions in the main interview and complete an additional biological module. Children are not asked to provide biological measurements, except height and weight. Not all questions are asked in SHeS every year, some are included every second year, every four years or on a one-off basis.

Up to 10 adults (16+) and 2 children (0-15) per household are invited to take part in the survey.  There is also a child boost sample where interviews only take place in respect of children in the household.  This is to ensure that enough children take part in the survey to provide estimates for children.


Chart outlining how addresses are selected for participation in the Scottish Health Survey


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