Scottish Health Survey: content review outcomes report

This report summarises changes that have and will be made to the content of the Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) from 2024 onwards. Some of these changes do not apply to the 2024 survey and will be made to future years.

Annex 11 - Respiratory module

Please note that changes to the module are highlighted in bold

Questions marked with a ‘#’ are asked of all adult survey respondents (aged 16+) every year.

Questions marked with a ‘*’ are asked of around two thirds of the adult sample (aged 16+) every second year, in even years.


ASK ALL AGED 16+ - version A

[Flemwint] Flegm*

Do you usually bring up any phlegm from your chest, first thing in the morning in winter?

1          Yes

2          No


ASK ALL AGED 16+ - version A

[Flemdawn] FleDa*

Do you usually bring up any phlegm from your chest, during the day or at night in the winter?

1          Yes

2          No


ASK ALL AGED 16+ - version A

IF Flemwint=Yes OR FlemDawn=Yes THEN

[Flemreg] FreFl*

Do you bring up phlegm like this on most days for as much as three months each year?

1          Yes

2          No


ASK ALL AGED 16+ - version A

IF Uphillw <> Cannot walk THEN

[Windhila] SoBUp*

Are you troubled by shortness of breath when hurrying on level ground or walking up a slight hill?

1          Yes

2          No

3          Never walks uphill or hurries

4          Cannot walk


ASK ALL AGED 16+ - version A

IF Windhila = Yes, Never walks uphill or hurries or cannot walk THEN

[WindPeer] SoBAg*

Do you get short of breath walking with other people of your own age on level ground?

1          Yes

2          No

3          Never walks with people of own age on level ground


ASK ALL AGED 16+ - version A

IF Windpeer = Yes or No THEN

[Windpace] SoLev*

Do you have to stop for breath when walking at your own pace on level ground?

1          Yes

2          No



[COPDDoct] #

You mentioned that you had COPD, chronic bronchitis or emphysema. Did a doctor or other healthcare professional tell you that you had this?

INTERVIEWER: If asked, COPD stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

1        Yes

2        No


IF COPDDoct = Yes

[COPDSpir] #

Did your doctor do a spirometry test (a test measuring how much air you could blow into a machine)?

1        Yes

2        No



[COPDTrt] #

Are you currently receiving any treatment or advice because of your COPD, chronic bronchitis or emphysema? Please include regular check-ups.

1        Yes

2        No


IF COPDTrt = Yes

[COPDOth] #


What treatment or advice are you currently receiving because of your COPD, chronic bronchitis or emphysema?



1        Regular check-up with GP / hospital / clinic     [COPDOth1]

2        Taking medication (tablets / inhalers)     [COPDOth2]

3        Advice or treatment to stop smoking     [COPDOth3]

4        Using oxygen     [COPDOth4]

5        Immunisations against flu / pneumococcus     [COPDOth5]

6        Exercise or physical activity     [COPDOth6]

7        Advice or treatment to lose weight     [COPDOth7]

8        Other     [COPDOth8]


IF COPDOth = Other (COPDOth8)


INTERVIEWER: Please enter other treatment or advice.




Have you ever been told by a doctor or other healthcare professional that you have sleep apnoea?

1      Yes

2      No

IF SleepA = Yes THEN


Have you had sleep apnoea during the past 12 months?

1      Yes

2      No


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