Scottish Health Survey: content review outcomes report

This report summarises changes that have and will be made to the content of the Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) from 2024 onwards. Some of these changes do not apply to the 2024 survey and will be made to future years.

Annex 15 - Menopause and perimenopause module

The next questions are about the menopause and perimenopause.

Menopause is when a person’s periods stop due to lower hormone levels. It usually affects women between the ages of 45 and 55, but it can happen earlier. Perimenopause is when a person has symptoms of menopause, but their periods have not stopped. Menopause and perimenopause affect anyone who has periods.

Please tell us if these questions are applicable for you – either now or if this will be something you may experience in the future.


Q27      Please tell us if these questions are applicable for you – either now or if this will be something you may experience in the future.

1          Yes – Go to Q28

2          No – Go to Q34

3          Don’t know  - Go to Q34


Q28      In the last 12 months have you, experienced menopause or perimenopause or symptoms of either?  If you have used Hormone Replacement Therapy (sometimes referred to as HRT) in the last 12 months to manage symptoms of menopause or perimenopause, please answer yes below.

Tick ONE box

1            Yes

2            No

3            Not sure

4            Prefer not to answer


Q29     Have you had any surgical treatment or medical treatment that put you into early menopause or do you have a medical condition that resulted in you being put into menopause early? Examples of surgical treatment include things like a hysterectomy, while medical treatment might include things like chemotherapy.

1          Yes - Go to Q30

2          No - Go to instructions on page 6 (before Q31)

3          Don’t know – Go to instructions on page 6 (before Q31)

4          Prefer not to say - Go to instructions on page 6 (before Q31)


Q30      And which of these reasons best describes the reason you were put into early menopause?

Tick ONE box

1          Surgical treatment only (e.g. hysterectomy)

2          Medical treatment only (e.g. chemotherapy)

3          Both medical treatment and surgical treatment

4          Because of another medical condition

5          Prefer not to answer

6          Don’t know


Instructions before Q31:

If you answered ‘Yes’ or ‘Not sure’ at Q28 then go to Q31

If you answered ‘No’ or ‘Prefer not to answer’ at Q28 then go to Q34 on page 10


Q31      In the last 12 months, have you visited or had an appointment with any of the health professionals below for advice or management in relation to your symptoms relating to menopause or perimenopause? Please select all that apply to you.

1          A GP

2          A nurse (e.g. general practice nurse or an advanced nurse practitioner)

3          A chemist/pharmacist

4          An NHS menopause specialist service

5          An NHS mental health professional

6          A private menopause specialist

7          Another private healthcare professional (e.g. nutritionist, dietician, acupuncturist, psychological therapist, physiotherapist)

8          Another health care professional not listed above – please say who

9          I haven’t spoken to any healthcare professionals about my symptoms (Go to Q32 on page 8)

10        Don’t know

11        Prefer not to answer


If you visited a health care professional not listed above, please write in who you visited:


If you haven’t spoken to any healthcare professionals about your symptoms, please go to Q32.


Otherwise, please go to Q33 on page 9


Q32     There are lots of reasons why some people don’t speak to a healthcare professional about symptoms relating to menopause or perimenopause. Which, if any, of the reasons listed below applies to you?

Please tick ALL that apply  to you

1          I can manage the symptoms myself

2          I can’t get an appointment with anyone at my general practice (GP surgery)

3          I have an appointment with someone at my general practice (GP surgery)

4          I have, or am waiting on, an appointment with an NHS menopause specialist service

5          I have, or am waiting on, an appointment with a private menopause specialist

6          I’m concerned it might be too soon for me to speak to someone

7          I'm worried I’m imagining symptoms and/or that others might think that I’m imagining them

8          I don't want to burden the NHS/ I think other people might need the service more

9          l feel anxious or uncomfortable talking to healthcare professionals about this

10        I’ve spoken to family or friends

11        I’ve been able to manage the symptoms in other ways – please say how below

12        Another reason – please say what below

13        None of these reasons

14        Don’t know

15        Prefer not to say


In what other ways have you been able to manage your symptoms? Please write in



Please write in your other reason(s) for not speaking to a healthcare professional about your symptoms:


Q33     Which, if any, of the below have you used or done in the last 12 months to help you manage your symptoms of menopause or perimenopause? 

Please tick ALL that apply  to you

1          Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) prescribed for you on the NHS or privately

2          Vaginal estrogen bought without a prescription e.g. Gina

3          Other hormonal pharmaceutical treatments

4          Anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medicine specifically for symptoms of menopause/perimenopause

5          Other medications

6          Vitamins, minerals or supplements bought in pharmacy, supermarket, online etc.

7          Acupuncture

8          Complementary (alternative) therapies (e.g. reflexology, herbal remedies)

9          Physical activity/exercise

10        Psychological therapy (e.g. counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT))

11        Changed my diet

12        Something else - please specify below

13        I have not used any of these

14        Don’t know

15        Prefer not to answer


Please write in what else you have done in the last 12 months to help you manage your menopause or perimenopause symptoms.




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