Scottish Health Survey: content review outcomes report

This report summarises changes that have and will be made to the content of the Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) from 2024 onwards. Some of these changes do not apply to the 2024 survey and will be made to future years.

Biological Measurements 

There was strong support to retain the existing biological measurements and we will continue to invite a third of the adult sample to provide biological measurements every year.

During the review process we had several requests to reintroduce blood sampling in the survey from PHS, SG, FSS and Edinburgh University Global Academy of Agriculture to potentially allow us to assess biomarkers looking at vitamin D and folic acid. Due to the costs involved, it is not possible to include blood sampling at this time but we will continue to explore funding options and investigate the feasibility of including in future years.

Feedback was also received from PHS to ensure that the equipment used for measuring weight and blood pressure is appropriate – ScotCen, the contractors who undertake the health survey, regularly calibrate the equipment used to ensure measurements are accurate.



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