Scottish Health Survey: content review outcomes report

This report summarises changes that have and will be made to the content of the Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) from 2024 onwards. Some of these changes do not apply to the 2024 survey and will be made to future years.


Due to submission issues, a response to the CPR training module from the SG Clinical Priorities Team was not received during the initial review process, and therefore was not included in the report summarising review responses. This response was identified when the SHeS team followed up with policy colleagues who work on CPR training.

The Clinical Priorities Teams response provided support for retaining the existing CPR questions. They also requested a new question  be added asking about defibrillator awareness as part of CPR training to assess the target outlined in the Out of hospital cardiac arrest: strategy for 2021 to 2026 to increase the number of  Out of Hospital Cardiac Admissions (OHCA) that have a defibrillator applied before the arrival of ambulance services to 20%.

The team also requested we ask a new question about whether CPR has ever been administered and if training was useful to identify whether CPR is being administered and if current training is appropriate and equipping individuals with necessary skills. However, due to a lack of space in the survey for additional requests and a lack of any existing question on this from another source that can be used, we are not going to include this at this time.

We worked with the Clinical Priorities Team to review the existing questions and agreed to revise the question about the first time respondents received CPR training to ask about the most recent time and to remove the question about the timing of refresher training. With the removal of this question we have created space to include a new question about AED (defibrillator) training.

For the CPR module with the updated questions see annex 7.


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