Scottish Health Survey: content review outcomes report

This report summarises changes that have and will be made to the content of the Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) from 2024 onwards. Some of these changes do not apply to the 2024 survey and will be made to future years.

Vitamin supplements 

There was strong support to retain the vitamins module during the review. We will retain the existing questions and, based on the requests of PHS, SG and FSS, we will expand the existing vitamin D questions to include a question relating to dosage and consumption patterns (e.g. year round or winter only). We will also expand the folic acid question to be asked of all respondents, not just pregnant women and women of child-bearing age, and include a new question about dosage. The vitamins module is included in SHeS on a biennial basis (in odd years) and will next be included in 2025.

For the full question set see annex 13.


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