
Scottish Health Survey – telephone survey – August/September 2020: main report

Presents results for the Scottish Health Survey – telephone survey- August to September 2020, providing information on the health and factors relating to health of people living in Scotland.

Editors’ acknowledgements

Editors: Joanne McLean1, Lisa Rutherford1 and Victoria Wilson1.

Principal authors: Line Knudson1, Victoria Wilson1, Jessica Shields1, Alex Scholes1, Joe Rose1, Claire Elliott1 and Hannah Biggs1.

1 ScotCen Social Research, Edinburgh.

Firstly, we would like to thank the 1,920 adults across Scotland for giving up their time to participate in the 2020 telephone survey and for allowing our interviewers to call their homes to complete the survey. 

We would also like to thank those colleagues who contributed to the survey and this report. In particular, we would like to thank:

  • The interviewers who worked on the project (ScotCen Social Research), who adapted so well to this alternative mode for administering the survey and who did so at short notice. The success of the survey is in large part down to the commitment and professionalism they apply to their work every day. 
  • Konstantina Vosnaki for her meticulous work on the Scottish Health Survey this year. 
  • Stephen Hinchliffe for expert analysis advice and support.
  • The authors of the chapters: Line Knudson, Victoria Wilson, Jessica Shields, Alex Scholes, Joe Rose, Claire Elliott and Hannah Biggs.
  • Stephen Hinchcliffe, Claire Elliott, Laura Brown, Katy Robertson and Ben Stocker whose hard work, attention to detail, knowledge and expertise have been invaluable to the preparation of the survey data as well as extensive analysis input to the report.
  • Joe Rose for all his work in developing and launching the 2020 telephone survey.
  • Other research colleagues and partners, in particular: Lesley Birse, Jess Bailey, Ana Cristina; Geraldine McNeil (University of Aberdeen); Linsay Gray (University of Glasgow).
  • Emma Fenn and colleagues in the NatCen Social Research Operations team.
  • Freelance designer Amanda Gratwick for her hard work on the infographic chapter summaries.
  • The Natcen Head of Data Collection Warren Lovell, Julie Weaver, Field Performance Managers, Adrian Bell, Deborah Healey, Iain McKay and Claire Hamilton.
  • The principal programmer, Iain Templeton.
  • Bryan Mason and the team of dedicated coders.

Ethical approval for the study was granted by the Research Committee for Wales (17/WA/0371). We are grateful to the committee, and its co-ordinator Dr Corrine Scott, for their careful scrutiny and on-going support.

Finally, special thanks are due to Julie Landsberg, Morag Shepherd, Xanthippi Gounari, Ben Cook and colleagues in the Scottish Government Health Directorates, for their continued support at all stages of the project.

Joanne McLean, Lisa Rutherford and Victoria Wilson.



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