
Scottish Health Survey - topic report: equality groups

Topic report in the Scottish Health Survey series providing breakdowns of key health behaviours and outcomes by gender, age, ethnic group, religion, disability and sexual orientation.

Table 8.2 Prevalence of overweight including obesity (age-standardised1), by equality group

Aged 16 and over 2008-2011 combined
Equality Group BMI≥25 Lower Confidence Limit Upper Confidence Limit Unweighted Bases Weighted Bases
% % %
Male 69 67 70 10691 11821
Female 61 60 62 13185 12173
16-24 35 33 38 2198 3461
25-34 55 53 57 3118 3721
35-44 69 67 70 4119 4277
45-54 72 70 73 4477 4410
55-64 77 76 79 4250 3693
65-74 76 75 78 3502 2649
75+ 70 68 72 2212 1784
Sexual Orientation
Bisexual 69 61 77 201 206
Gay or Lesbian 67 58 76 181 187
Heterosexual 65 64 66 20620 20846
Other 68 58 78 222 212
Prefer not to answer 68 62 74 606 534
Limiting LI 68 66 70 6617 5973
Non-limiting LI 68 66 70 3895 3779
No LI 63 62 64 13360 14241
None 64 62 65 9527 10072
Church of Scotland 67 65 68 8249 7652
Roman Catholic 64 62 66 3107 3471
Other Christian 67 64 69 2357 2085
Muslim 57 45 70 170 230
Buddhist 42 25 59 53 52
Hindu 55 36 74 51 61
Other2 65 58 72 340 318
Ethnic Group
White, British 65 64 66 22399 22316
White, Irish 62 54 71 164 191
White, Other 63 58 68 678 695
Mixed 60 48 72 74 87
Asian, Indian 66 52 79 92 127
Asian, Pakistani 71 59 83 108 152
Asian, Chinese 41 22 60 62 68
Asian, Other 45 30 61 90 93
African, Caribbean or Black 63 48 78 101 115
Other 61 48 75 91 102
All Adults 65 64 66 23876 23994

1 Analyses are age-standardised for all equality groups except age.
2 Other religion includes Sikh, Jewish and Pagan.


Email: Julie Ramsay

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