Scottish Health Survey - topic report: physical activity

This report presents findings from a study into the demographic, socioeconomic and health and lifestyle factors associated with meeting the adult physical activity guidelines in the Scottish population and whether the change in physical activity guidelines in 2011 affected the factors associated with meeting the guidelines. It also presents results from an investigation in to the factors associated with taking part in activity in the different domains that make up total physical activity.

Appendix A: Variables Used in the Analysis and Bivariate Results

Table 9: Outcome and predictor variables

Description Variable Name Response
Outcome Variables
Summary activity level - 2012 CMO time
recommendations (new 65+ walk definition)

1 Meets recommendations (150+ mins)
2 Some activity (60 to less than 150 mins)
3 Low activity (30 to less than 60 mins)
4 Very low activity (0 to less than 30)
(D) Summary activity level - 2012 CMO time
recommendations (new 65+ walk definition)

0 Not met recommended level (150+ mins)

1 Met recommended level (less than 150 mins)
Summary activity level - 2011 CMO time
recommendations (old definition)
adt10gp 1 Meets recommendations
2 Some activity
3 Low activity
4 Very low activity
(D) Summary activity level - 2011 CMO time
recommendations (old definition)
adt10gp_2D 0 Not met recommended level
1 Met recommended level
Have you participated in any sport in the last four weeks? SportAny 1 Yes
2 No
Have you walked at least 10 mins in the last four weeks? wlk10M 1 Yes
2 No
Have you done any housework in the last four weeks? Housewrk 1 Yes
2 No
Have you done any manual/gardening/DIY work in the last four weeks? Garden 1 Yes
2 No
How physically active are you in your paid job? Active 1 very physically active 2 fairly physically active 3 not very physically active 4 not at all physically
(D) How physically active are you in your paid job? [viii] Active_D 1 Very/fairly physically active 2 Not very/not at all physically active
Predictor Variables
Gender Sex 1 Male
2 Female
Age 16+ in ten year bands ag16g10 1 16-24
2 25-34
3 35-44
4 45-54
5 55-64
6 65-74
7 75+.
Deprivation 2012 quintiles SIMD5_RP 1 5th - least deprived
2 4th
3 3rd
4 2nd
5 1st - most deprived
Equivalised Income Quintiles

(adjusted income to take account of the number of persons in the household)
eqv5 1 Top Quintile (>=£39520)
2 2nd Quintile (>=£25591< £39520)
3 3rd Quintile (>=£16918 < £25591)
4 4th Quintile (>=£10672< £16918 )
5 Bottom Quintile (<£10672)
Economic activity of respondent (2012 version) Econac12 1 In full-time education
2 In paid employment, self-employed or on gov't training
3 Permanently unable to work
4 Looking for/intending to look for paid work
5 Retired
6 Looking after home/family
7 Doing something else
Self-assessed general health GenHelf2 1 very good/good
2 fair
3 bad/ very bad
Highest educational qualification hedqul08 1 Degree or higher
2 HNC/D or equivalent
3 Higher grade or equivalent
4 Standard grade or equivalent
5 Other school level
6 No qualifications
Limiting longstanding illness (LLI) limitill 1 Limiting LI
2 Non limiting LI
3 No LI
Marital status - grouped maritalg 1 Married/civil partnership
2 Living as married
3 Single
4 Married/civil partnership - separated
5 Divorced/dissolved civil partnership
6 Widowed/surviving civil partner
Cigarette Smoking Status cigst3 1 Current cigarette smoker
2 Used to smoke cigarettes
3 Never smoked cigarettes at all
Life Satisfaction lifesat2 1 0-7
2 8
3 9-10
(D) Life Satisfaction lifesat2_D 1 0-7
2 8-10
BMI Status bmivg4 1 Under 18.5
2 18.5 to less than 25
3 25 to less than 30
4 30 and over.
(D) BMI Status bmivg4_D 1 Less than 30[ix]
2 30 and over.
(D) Mental wellbeing (ALL) wemwbsA_D[x] 0 less than mean score (<41) 1 mean score or more (41+)


Email: Niamh O'Connor

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