Scottish Health Survey - topic report: physical activity

This report presents findings from a study into the demographic, socioeconomic and health and lifestyle factors associated with meeting the adult physical activity guidelines in the Scottish population and whether the change in physical activity guidelines in 2011 affected the factors associated with meeting the guidelines. It also presents results from an investigation in to the factors associated with taking part in activity in the different domains that make up total physical activity.

Appendix B: Logistic Regression Results

Table 20: Odds ratios for physical activity logistic regression model, SHeS 2011

Effect Odds Ratio 95% Wald Odds Ratio 95% Wald Odds Ratio 95% Wald
Confidence Limits Confidence Limits Confidence Limits
Sex (p<0.0001)
Male 1.65 1.451 1.876
Female 1 [ ref ]
Age (p<0.0001) (p<0.0001) (p=0.0012)
16-24 4.956 2.878 8.535 6.402 2.921 14.028 3.58 1.662 7.709
25-34 5.245 3.147 8.74 6.558 3.143 13.682 4.077 1.984 8.378
35-44 4.353 2.643 7.169 4.596 2.251 9.386 4.077 2.009 8.273
45-54 3.685 2.25 6.035 3.649 1.802 7.388 3.611 1.795 7.264
55-64 2.589 1.632 4.108 2.392 1.224 4.674 2.866 1.5 5.473
65-74 2.311 1.512 3.534 2.103 1.165 3.794 2.609 1.409 4.83
75+ 1 [ ref ] 1 [ ref ] 1 [ ref ]
5th - least deprived
Income NS NS NS
>=£25591< £39520
>=£16918 < £25591
>=£10672< £16918
Self-rated Health (p<0.0001) (p<0.0001) (p=0.0064)
very good/good 2.1 1.34 3.293 2.421 1.227 4.774 1.783 0.975 3.26
fair 1.565 1.001 2.446 1.989 1.017 3.889 1.182 0.646 2.163
bad/Very bad 1 [ ref ] 1 [ ref ] 1 [ ref ]
Highest Qualification NS NS NS
Degree or higher
HNC/D or equiv
Higher grade or equiv
Standard grade or equiv
Other school level
Disability/illness (p<0.0001) (p=0.0016) (p<0.0001)
Limiting Long Illness 0.649 0.534 0.787 0.633 0.48 0.835 0.674 0.511 0.89
Non limiting Long Illness 0.872 0.738 1.03 0.811 0.643 1.023 0.926 0.727 1.18
No Illness 1 [ ref ] 1 [ ref ] 1 [ ref ]
Marital Status NS NS NS
Married/civil partnership
Living as married
Cigarette Smoking NS NS NS
Current cigarette smoker
Used to smoke cigarettes
Never smoked
Life Satisfaction NS NS NS
Low (0-7)
High (8-10)
BMI (p<0.0001) (p<0.0001) (p<0.0001)
less than 30 1.699 1.468 1.966 1.549 1.266 1.895 1.891 1.521 2.351
30 and over 1 [ ref ] 1 [ ref ] 1 [ ref ]
wemwbs score
< mean
mean or more
Economic Activity Status (p<0.0001) (p<0.0001) (p<0.0001)
FT Education 0.716 0.533 0.96 0.814 0.523 1.265 0.69 0.456 1.045
Unable to work 0.332 0.196 0.564 0.434 0.222 0.85 0.24 0.094 0.611
Looking for work 0.431 0.303 0.612 0.494 0.321 0.76 0.299 0.144 0.622
retired 0.511 0.376 0.694 0.562 0.353 0.896 0.46 0.306 0.693
Looking after Home/family 0.795 0.593 1.065 0.801 0.382 1.681 0.799 0.576 1.109
other 0.64 0.343 1.191 0.742 0.252 2.185 0.632 0.291 1.374
Paid work 1 [ ref ] 1 [ ref ] 1 [ ref ]


Email: Niamh O'Connor

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