Scottish Health Survey - topic report: UK comparisons

The Scottish Health Survey: Topic Report UK Comparisons


1. Both surveys also include other questions about diet but they cover different aspects and are not comparable.

2. Hohl III HW. Physical activity and cardiovascular disease: evidence for a dose response. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2001; 33:S472-S483.

3. Lynch J, Helmrich SP, Lakka TA, et al. Moderately intense physical activities and high levels of cardiorespiratory fitness reduce the risk of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in middle-aged men. Arch Intern Med 1996; 156:1258-1354.

4. Wolman R. Osteoporosis and exercise. BMJ. 1994; 309: 400-403.

5. Thune I, Furberg AS. Physical activity and cancer risk: dose-response and cancer, all sites and site specific. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2001; 33: S530-S550.

6. Shephard RJ, Futcher R. Physical Activity and Cancer: How may protection be maximised? Crit Rev Oncogen. 1997; 8:219-272.

7. Kopelman PG. Obesity as a medical problem. Nature. 2000; 404: 635-643..

8. Breeze E, Clarke R, Shipley M J, et al. Cause-specific mortality in old age in relation to body mass index in middle age and in old age: follow-up of the Whitehall cohort of male civil servants. Int J Epidemiol. 2006; 35: 169-178

9. Wilsgaard T, Arnesen E. Body mass index and coronary heart disease risk score: the Tromso study, 1979 to 2001. Ann Epidemiol. 2007; 17: 100-105.

10. Peeters A, Barendregt J J,Willekens F, et al. Obesity in adulthood and its consequences for life expectancy: a life-table analysis. Ann Intern Med. 2003; 138: 24-32

11. Larrieu S, Peres K, Letenneur L, et al. Relationship between body mass index and different domains of disability in older persons: the 3C study. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2004; 28: 1555-1560.

12. Foresight (2008). Tackling Obesities: Future Choices - Project Report (2nd edition). London: Government Office for Science

13. Atlantis, E. and Baker, M. (2008). Obesity effects on depression: systematic review of epidemiological studies . International Journal of Obesity 32, 881-891

14. Grant, I., Fischbacher, C., and Whyte, B. (2007). Obesity in Scotland - An epidemiology briefing. Edinburgh: NHS National Services Scotland/Scottish Public Health Observatory. [online] Available from:

15. James, W.P. (2008). The epidemiology of obesity: the size of the problem. Journal of Internal Medicine. 263 (4), 336-52

16. Food Matters: Towards a strategy for the 21st century. (page 2) London: Cabinet Office.

17. Preventing Overweight and Obesity in Scotland: A Route Map Towards Healthy Weight. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2010.

18. World Health Organization (2003). Diet, Nutrition and the prevention of Chronic Diseases: Report of a joint WHO/ FAO expert consultation. Geneva: WHO Technical Report Series, 916.

19. Scotland's Health - A challenge to us all: The Scottish Diet. Edinburgh: The Scottish Office, 1993.

20. Eating for Health: a Diet Action Plan for Scotland. Edinburgh: The Scottish Office, 1996.

21. Improving Health in Scotland - the Challenge. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive, 2003.

22. Towards a Healthier Scotland. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive, 1999.

23. Improving Health in Scotland - the Challenge. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive, 2003.

24. Healthy Eating, Active Living: An action plan to improve diet, increase physical activity and tackle obesity (2008-2011). Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2008.

25. Physical Activity Task Force. (2003). Let's make Scotland more Active. A strategy for Physical Activity. Edinburgh: Crown Copyright.

26. Scottish Budget Spending Review 2007, Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2007. [online] Available from: See also:

27. Better Health, Better Care Action Plan. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2007.

28. Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. (2010). 115: Management of Obesity - A National Clinical Guideline. Edinburgh: SIGN/ NHSQIS

29. Scottish Government. (2010). Preventing Overweight and Obesity in Scotland - A route map towards healthy weight. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

30. Department of Health. Choosing Health: Making Healthy Choices Easier. TSO, London, 2004.

31. Choosing a Better Diet: A consultation on priorities for a food and health action plan. London: Department of Health, 2005.

32. Choosing Activity: a physical activity action plan. London: Department of Health, 2005.

33. Cross-Government Obesity Unit. Healthy weight, healthy lives: a Cross-Government Strategy for England. Department of Health and Department of Children, Schools and Families, London, 2008.

34. Four commonly used methods to increase physical inactivity; brief interventions in primary care, exercise referral schemes, pedometer and community-based exercise programmes for walking and cycling. (Public Health Intervention Guidance No 2) National Institute for Clinical Excellence, London, 2006.

35. Obesity: the prevention, identification, assessment and management of overweight and obesity in adults and children. National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence, 2006. page 222

36. Department of Culture, Media and Sports. Game Plan: A Strategy for Delivering the Government's Sports and Physical Activity Objectives. Strategy Unit, London, 2002

37. Be active, be healthy: A plan for getting the nation moving. London: Department of Health, 2009.

38. Investing for Health 2002, Belfast: DHSSPS, 2002.

39. Fit Futures - Focus on Food, Activity and Young People. Belfast: DHSSPS, 2005.

40. See:

41. See:

42. See:

43. Durante R, Ainsworth BE, Hartman TJ, et al. The recall of physical activity using a cognitive model of the question-answering process. Med Sci Sports Exercise. 1996; 28:1282-1291.

44. Klesges RC, Eck LH, Mellon MW, et al. The accuracy of self-reports of physical activity . Med Sci Sports Exer. 1990; 22:690-697.

45. Bromley, C., Bradshaw, P. and Given, L. [eds.] (2009). The Scottish Health Survey 2008 - Volume 2: Technical Report. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. Available from:

46. Craig, R., Mindell, J., and Hirani, V. [Eds.] Health Survey for England 2008 - Volume 2: Methodology and Documentation. London: National Centre for Social Research. Available from:

47. No technical report of the 2005/6 survey has been published, however methodological information can be found in the User Guide that accompanies the archived data, available from

48. For a full review of obesity measures see: National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (2006). CG43 Obesity: full guideline, section 2: Identification and Classification. [online] Available from:

49. Romero-Corral, A. et al (2008). Accuracy of body mass index in diagnosing obesity in the adult general population. International Journal of Obesity. 32, 959-966.

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