
Scottish house condition survey: 2017 key findings

Indicators from the 2017 survey, including updated fuel poverty rates, energy efficiency ratings, carbon emissions and Scottish Housing Quality Standard.

A National Statistics Publication for ScotlandNational Statistics logo

ISBN 978 1 78781 427 1 (Web only publication)
PPDAS 495506


An errata was published on 23rd July 2019 to correct gas grid statistics in Tables 4, 21, 28, 36 and 38, and paragraphs 24 and 110. An inconsistency between postcodes and proximity to the gas grid variable in the 2017 dataset resulted in some inaccuracies in the allocation of dwellings to gas grid status for a very small number of dwellings in the sample.

The total number of dwellings estimated to be on the gas grid in 2017 is 2,038,000 (previously the figure was 2,043,000) with 425,000 dwellings off the grid (previously the figure was 420,000). Revised percentages typically changed by one percentage point or less. The respective dwelling counts associated with these percentages were also revised, where necessary.

The PDF and HTML have been updated to reflect these changes.



Key Findings Summary

1 Introduction

2 Key Attributes of the Scottish Housing Stock

3 Energy Efficiency

4 Fuel Poverty

5 Energy Perceptions

6 Housing Conditions

7 Technical Notes and Definitions

A National Statistics publication for Scotland

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