
Scottish House Condition Survey: 2021 Key Findings

Figures from the 2021 survey, including updated fuel poverty rates, energy efficiency ratings and data on external disrepair.


The Scottish Government acknowledges and thanks the 3,174 households across Scotland who gave their time to take part in the Scottish House Condition Survey social (telephone or video) interview and the follow-up (external-only) physical dwelling inspection in 2021.

This report was produced by the Fuel Poverty and House Condition Analysis team at the Scottish Government with support from Adam Krawczyk, the Scottish Household Survey team, the Office of the Chief Statistician and Data Officer and colleagues within the Housing, Homelessness and Regeneration Analysis unit.

Finally, special thanks to:

  • Ipsos MORI: Chris Martin, Colin Hockaday, Stuart Stevenson, Murray Petrie and all the regional managers, the surveyors and the social interviewers.
  • BRE: Chris Beer, Adele Beaumont and Ana Slater for their energy modelling and work on the physical survey.
  • Alembic Research: Bill Sheldrick for his role in surveyor training and the energy prices survey.




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