Scottish House Condition Survey: Local Authority Analysis 2017-2019

Local Authority figures for 2017-2019, including fuel poverty rates, energy efficiency ratings, the condition of housing and the Scottish Housing Quality Standard.

Annex A - List of SHCS 2017 - 2019 Local Authority Tables

Local authority estimates in the following tables are broken down by: overall, age of dwelling, type of dwelling, number of bedrooms, tenure and household type. Wall Insulation however has a different breakdown, noted below.

  • Percentage of dwellings built before 1945
  • Percentage of dwellings which are flats
  • Percentage of dwellings with 3 or more bedrooms
  • Percentage of households with one or more Long Term Sick or Disabled members
  • Percentage of households where one or more members are receiving care services
  • Percentage of dwellings with adaptations
  • Percentage of dwellings containing a LTSD individual whose activities are restricted because of the property
  • Percentage of dwellings requiring adaptations
  • Percentage of dwellings with full central heating
  • Percentage of dwellings with less than 100mm of loft insulation
  • Wall Insulation (cavity, solid/other, total) by Tenure, by House/Flat, by Household Type
  • Percentage of dwellings with an energy efficiency rating of F or G (SAP 2009)
  • Percentage of dwellings with an energy efficiency rating of F or G (SAP 2012)
  • Percentage of dwellings with an energy efficiency rating of B or C (SAP 2012)
  • Percentage of dwellings with an environmental impact rating of F or G (SAP 2012)
  • Percentage of dwellings with an environmental impact rating of A, B or C (SAP 2012)
  • Mean energy efficiency SAP 2009 rating
  • Mean energy efficiency SAP 2012 rating
  • Mean environmental impact SAP 2012 rating
  • Mean household income
  • Number of households (000s) in fuel poverty
  • Percentage of households in fuel poverty
  • Number of households (000s) in extreme fuel poverty
  • Percentage of households in extreme fuel poverty
  • Median fuel poverty gap
  • Median fuel poverty gap adjusted to 2015 prices.
  • Percentage of dwellings which are overcrowded
  • Percentage of dwellings which exceed the minimum Bedroom Standard requirements by 2 or more bedrooms
  • Percentage of dwellings considered to be Below the Tolerable Standard (BTS)
  • Percentage of dwellings that fail the Scottish Housing Quality Standard "Free from Serious Disrepair" criterion (SHQS B)
  • Percentage of dwellings that fail the Scottish Housing Quality Standard "Energy Efficiency" criterion (SHQS C)
  • Percentage of dwellings that fail the Scottish Housing Quality Standard "Modern Facilities and Services" criterion (SHQS D)
  • Percentage of dwellings that fail the Scottish Housing Quality Standard "Healthy, Safe and Secure" criterion (SHQS E)
  • Percentage of dwellings that fail the SHQS overall
  • Percentage of dwellings with disrepair to critical elements
  • Percentage of dwellings with urgent disrepair to critical elements
  • Percentage of dwellings with extensive disrepair to critical elements
  • Percentage of dwellings with urgent disrepair
  • Percentage of dwellings with extensive disrepair
  • Percentage of dwellings with disrepair
  • Percentage of dwellings with rising or penetrating damp
  • Percentage of dwellings with condensation



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