
Scottish household survey 2018: methodology and fieldwork outcomes

Methodology of the Scottish household survey 2018 and information on fieldwork targets and outcomes.


This report provides information on the survey methodology, including sampling, data collection methods and limitations of SHS 2018 data. It also includes information on fieldwork targets and outcomes, data quality and weighting of the SHS.

This year the Scottish Household Survey (SHS) - Methodology and fieldwork outcomes report is accompanied by a visual summary  “Scottish Household Survey: Behind the Numbers, 2018”  which is available as a downloadable PDF in the supporting files dropdown.

The purpose of the summary report  is to highlight key methodological information and answer commonly asked questions about the SHS in an easy to understand way.   Please let the Scottish Household Survey team know what you think of this new format by emailing

The illustrations in the visual summary were drawn by Katie Quinn. The illustrations were originally drawn as part of the project "Visualizing Inequalities", funded through an Edinburgh Futures Institute (EFI) Research Award given to Benjamin Bach, Catherine Magill, Ewan Klein and Dave Murray-Rust, University of Edinburgh.



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