Scottish Household Survey 2020: methodology and impact of change in mode

The methodology report for the Scottish Household Survey 2020 telephone survey which discusses the impact of the change in mode.

List of tables and figures

Table 2.1 Summary of change in approach

Figure 2.1 Example amendment to the questionnaire

Table 3.1 Summary of mode difference by approach

Figure 3.1 Total Survey Error framework

Figure 3.2 Scottish Household Survey response rate over time compared to trend in all random probability surveys in Scotland/UK

Figure 3.3 Comparison of tenure trends since 1999 from various different data sources.

Table 4.1 Urban/rural distribution across all sampled addresses by how the sample was worked

Table 4.2 SIMD distribution across all sampled addresses in 2020 by how the sample was worked

Table 4.3 LA distribution across all sampled addresses in 2020 by how the sample was worked

Table 4.4 Telephone matching rates

Figure 4.1 Telephone matching rates by urban/rural indicator

Figure 4.2 Telephone matching rates by SIMD quintile

Figure 4.3 Telephone matching rates by Council Tax band

Table 4.5 Telephone matching rates by Local Authority

Table 4.6 SHS 2020: Number of addresses worked at each stage

Table 4.7 Unadjusted response rates by wave

Table 4.8 Unadjusted response rates by SIMD quintile by wave

Table 4.9 Unadjusted response rates by council tax band by wave

Table 4.10 Unadjusted response rates by urban/rural indicator by wave

Table 5.1 Rurality and SIMD quintile by wave (weighted, households)

Table 5.2 Household measures by wave (weighted)

Table 5.3 HIH measures by wave (weighted)

Table 5.4 Random adult measures by wave (weighted)

Table 5.5 Additional random adult measures by wave (weighted)

Table 6.1 Mode of interview by sample type: Household interview (unweighted)

Table 6.2 HIH characteristics and tenure by mode of household interview (unweighted, row percentages).

Table 6.3 Mode of household interview by Random Adult characteristics (unweighted)

Figure 6.1 Revision to Qualifications held question

Table 6.4 Highest educational qualification by mode of interview

Table 6.5 Number of types of qualification held among those who have a degree or professional qualification by mode of interview

Figure 6.2 Revision to question HH56A: Receipt of benefits, first list

Table 6.6 Summary of income information by wave, mode of approach and mode of interview.

Table 6.7 Receipt of Child Benefit among single parent, small family and large family households and Receipt of State Retirement Pension (asked where HiH or their spouse is >64) by mode of interview

Table 6.8 Long-term health and disability of respondent and second person in the household by mode of interview

Figure 6.3 Changes to questions Cult3a: Cultural events or places visited in the last 12 months

Table 6.9 Extent of cultural attendance and cultural activity done in the last year by mode of interview

Table 6.10 Number of types of sporting activity undertaken in past four weeks and number of days undertaking at least one sporting activity by mode of interview

Table 6.11 Agreement with the statement, 'My council provides high quality services' by mode of interview.

Table 6.12 Number of neither agree nor disagree or don't know response to the seven statements about their local council by mode of interview

Table 6.13 Correlation of "My local council provide high quality services" with other statements on the local council by survey mode

Table 6.14 Number of don't know responses in seven material deprivation categories asked to the full sample by mode of interview

Table 6.15 Selected characteristics of adults aged 16-59 by mode of interview

Table 6.16 Whether smokes nowadays by age band and mode of interview.

Table 6.17 Permission to be recontacted for household and random adult respondent by mode of interview.

Table 6.18 Random Adult conversion rate by mode of interview

Figure A2.1 Social Rented Sector: comparison of estimates.

Figure A2.2 Private Rented Sector: comparison of estimates

Table A2.1 Geographical measures by calibration model

Table A2.2 Household measures by calibration model

Table A2.3 HIH measures by calibration model

Table A2.4 Random adult measures by calibration model

Table A3.1 Geographical measures by quarter and the 95 percent confidence intervals

Table A3.2 Household measures by quarter and the 95 percent confidence intervals

Table A3.3 HIH measures by quarter and the 95 percent confidence intervals

Table A3.4 Random adult measures by quarter and the 95 percent confidence intervals

Table A4.1 Unadjusted response rates by Local Authority by wave

Table A4.2 Comparison of push-to-telephone video sample by mode of interview: selected geographic and household variables (weighted)

Table A4.3 Comparison of push-to-telephone video sample by mode of interview: selected geographic and household variables (weighted)



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