
Scottish Household Survey 2023: trust in public institutions

The Scottish Household Survey (SHS) is an annual survey of the general population in Scotland, carried out since 1999. It collects information on a range of topics through a random sample of people in private residences. This publication contains key findings on questions about trust in institutions


1. When producing disability breakdowns, respondents are categorised as ‘disabled’ if they answer ‘yes’ to the question, ‘do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last 12 months or more?’ And then ‘yes, a lot’ or ‘yes, a little’ to a second question: ‘Does your condition or illness/do any of your conditions or illnesses reduce your ability to carry-out day-to-day activities?’. Respondents are categorised as ‘non-disabled’ if they answer ‘no’ to the first question or ‘not at all’ to the second question. Data collection and publication - disability: guidance -

2. The Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification provides a consistent way of defining urban and rural areas across Scotland. The classification is based upon two main criteria: (i) population, as defined by the National Records of Scotland (NRS), and (ii) accessibility, based on drive time analysis to differentiate between accessible and remote areas in Scotland.

3. The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) is the Scottish Government's standard approach to identifying areas of multiple deprivation in Scotland. It is a relative measure of deprivation across 6,976 small areas (called data zones) and looks at the extent to which an area is deprived across seven domains: income, employment, education, health, access to services, crime and housing.

4. The Eurobarometer also asks about trust in Justice and Health but the wording of the institution descriptions is less comparable with the wording used in the SHS. It asks about trust in ‘Justice, the (Nationality) legal system’ whereas the SHS asks about trust in ‘The Justice System which includes courts, lawyers and prisons’. Eurobarometer asks about trust in ‘Health and medical staff in (Our Country)’ whereas the SHS asks about trust in ‘the Health System’.



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