
Scottish household survey: data access

All successful applications to access Scottish Household Survey data are summarised on this page.


One of the stated aims of the SHS is to permit the disaggregation of household and individual information both geographically and in terms of population sub-groups. The simplest way to get results on the SHS is to examine the reports and articles that have already been published. The alternative is to undertake your own analysis using our publicly released and anonymised datasets.

A request to be provided with a special dataset can be submitted where the standard anonymised datasets does not contain all the information you require. This should allow users to undertake more detailed analyses for a specific project.

Please note that access to such sensitive and confidential data is safeguarded by regulating access for non-commercial purposes only, and can only be used by the Scottish Government or other research agencies acting on behalf of, or in collaboration with, the Scottish Government or associated bodies.

Presented below is a summary of the most recent special datasets requests which have been submitted to the SHS Project Team, with a brief description of the studies.

There may be a cost involved in producing the required dataset. Project costs must be considered by anyone planning to undertake follow-up research as the costs for drawing a dataset from the SHS, undertaking the and the dissemination of findings must be met from outside the SHS budget.

If you wish to submit a request then please see updated guidance.

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