Scottish household survey: Frequently Asked Questions

This section contains a number of frequently asked questions about the Scottish Household Survey.


The download option below provides access to the SHS Variable Lookup system, which provides basic metadata about the questions/variables within the survey.


The full 2012 SHS dataset contains around 11,000 cases with each case having approximately 3,000 variables.

Not only are the datasets very large, they are also very complex. Understanding which variables are contained within which datasets, and knowing whether these are subject to change, is very difficult to keep on top of. To help provide contextual information, we have published List of Topics and Survey Questionnaires to allow users to read through documentation.

To provide further help, we have also developed a quick SHS Variable Lookup system, which provides an interactive way of getting an at-a-glance summary of the variable coverage across the SHS datasets. Please see the download option below.

This tool is still in development so if you have any comments on how this can be improved, or additional information you would like integrated, then please Contact us and let us know.



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