Scottish household survey: how to get results

There are a variety of ways to access results from the Scottish Household Survey.

How to Access the Data

UK Data Archive

Anonymised copies of the full and SHS Lite datasets collected in the survey for all years have been deposited with the UK Data Archive, together with supporting documentation to facilitate wider access to, and analysis of, the information gathered. To search the UK Data Archive please see:

To access the most recent SHS dataset available there please use the following link:


SHS Data Release Procedures

The Data Release Procedures page contains information on the SHS and National Statistics; Internal data access and management prior to publication; release timing and arrangements; access to the SHS database; and other publications from SHS data.

You may also be interested to see information about our Data Access Agreements. This provides summary information about recent requests for SHS data, along with the associated guidance and pro-formas for making actual requests.


Further help is available by contacting the SHS team via email at

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