Scottish household survey: how to get results

There are a variety of ways to access results from the Scottish Household Survey.

Corporate Policy Statement

Revisions and corrections to previously published Scottish Household Survey data are dealt with in accordance with the Scottish Government Statistician Group corporate policy statement on revisions and corrections - a copy of which is available via the following link:

SHS Revisions and Corrections

The SHS adheres to the corporate policy statement on revisions and corrections noted above. Key things to note are:

  • There are no SHS statistics which are subject to regular scheduled revisions.
  • All revisions and corrections will be brought to the attention of users as soon as they are identified with appropriate notes added to the relevant publications and releases online.
  • Substantial revisions will be summarised on this page.

If you have any comments or queries regarding revisions and errors in the SHS then please Contact us.

Summary List

Please be aware of the following revisions and errors within the SHS:

Release Description Date updated

Scotland's People Annual Report: Results from the 2015 Scottish Household Survey

Released: September 2016

In the 2015 SHS report, the labels around figure 9.9 had been transposed.  This resulted in the figures for adults with a long term major reduced daily capacity being presented under the category 'None' and vice versa.  The figure within the report and in the html on the website has been updated. 

Figure 6.5 is a duplicate of figure 6.4 on page 120 of the annual report.  The correct version of figure 6.5 is presented in the Excel tables and in the html version of the report.  The annual report has been updated to rectify this error.

Annex 2 - Household Type classification has been updated

Table 3.1 (page 46)  - Column percentages and estimates relate to 1999-2015 data.

01 December 2016

Scotland's People Annual report: Results from 2009/2010 Scottish Household Survey

Released: August 2011

SHS estimates on volunteering are based on 'formal volunteering' activities. This is highlighted in the report, though in the commentary for analysis various references were made to providing help to "organisations or individuals" - the latter of these relate to 'informal volunteering'. All such references have been updated to "organisations or groups" to reflect the true measures.

21 September 2011


At point of release, analysis on life satisfaction (Figure 10.13) was actually based on 'unweighted' analysis. This was immediately updated to incorporate the correct analysis.

17 August 2011

People and Culture in Scotland 2008

Released: November 2009

Some minor errors were identified in seven of the additional 600 tables provided as Excel downloads in the Data Annexes of the Report. These relate to tables A2.4, A3, A4.7, C3, C5, D1.9 and D6.3.

The errors do not affect the text, tables or charts of the main report or annexes. The original published tables are available upon request.

7 April 2010

Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics: Smoking prevalence rates by health board

Released: December 2009

Smoking prevalence rates by health board published on Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics are wrong. This is currently under investigation. Revised indicators should be published in due course.

Issue raised 15 February 2010

Scottish Household Survey: Annual Report - Results from 2007

Released: August 2008

A small error was identified in the report. This error related to the tables focusing on household tenure. There was a small discrepancy in the coding of renting through a private landlord and renting through a housing association.

16 September 2008




Further help is available by contacting the SHS team via email at

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