
Scottish household survey 2016: key findings

Short report summarising the key findings from the Scottish household survey 2016: annual report.

Composition of households

Characteristics of adults

Over a quarter (26%) are between 45 and 59-years old.

Over a half (55%) are aged 45-years or more.

There are more women (52%) than men (48%).

Three in ten adults reported a long-term physical or mental health condition.

Age of adults

Age of adults in household

Economic status

The proportion of people who are permanently retired from work increased to 25%.

The proportion of those looking after the home or family decreased to 5%.

The proportion of those in further/higher education increased to 6%.

Economic status of adults

Characteristics of households

83% of people in Scotland live in urban areas, while only 17% live in rural areas.

61% of households were owner occupied.

Percentage of households owner occupied or rented

Household type*

More than a third of adults live alone (35%):

- 21% as single adult

- 14% as single older households.

Only 5% are large families consisting of two adults and threeor more children, or three or more adults with one or more children.

* For full definition on household type please see Glossary.

Percentage of household occupancy by persons


Email: Emma McCallum,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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