
Scottish household survey 2017: key findings

This short report summarises the key findings from the Scottish Household Survey 2017.

Composition of households

Characteristics of adults

Almost half (46%) were aged 45 years or more.

There were more women (51%) than men (49%).

Nearly three in ten adults reported having a long-term physical or mental health condition.

Age of adults

Chart: Age of adults reported having a long-term physical or mental health condition

Economic status

The proportion of adults who were employed full time has been roughly stable since 1999.

The proportion of people who were permanently retired from work increased to 24%.

The proportion of those looking after the home or family decreased to 5%.

Chart: Economic status

Characteristics of households

84% of people in Scotland live in urban areas, while only 16% live in rural areas.

Over six in ten (62%) households are owner occupied. Over one in five (22%) are social rented.

Chart: Characteristics of households

Household type*

More than a third of adults live alone (35%):

– 20% as single adult– 14% as single older households.

Only 5% are large families consisting of 2 adults and 3 or more children, or 3 or more adults with 1 or more children.

* For full definition on household type please see Glossary.

Chart: Household type


Email: Emma McCallum

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