
Scottish household survey 2017: climate change topic report

Key findings on climate change from the Scottish Household Survey 2017.

Attitudes to climate change by highest level of qualifications

77% of those with a degree or professional qualification saw climate change as an immediate and urgent problem, while only 41% with no qualifications thought the same.

Perceptions of climate change as a problem have consistently been closely related to educational attainment. In 2017 there is still a large gap between adults with a degree or professional qualification (nearly eight out of ten), and adults with no qualifications (around four out of ten) who perceive it as an immediate problem.

This gap has widened by 9 percentage points compared with 2013. While concern about climate change has increased among all age groups, the increase has been smaller amongst those with no educational qualifications.

Adults who perceive climate change is an immediate and urgent problem by level of qualifications
Base (minimum): 160

Adults who perceive climate change is an immediate and urgent problem by level of qualifications - Base (minimum): 160


Email: Emma McCallum

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