Scottish Household Survey User Engagement Report 2020

This report summarises the results of the user engagement that has been undertaken on the outputs produce from the 2019 Scottish Household Survey

10. Annex C – Feedback on 2020 reporting format questionnaire

SHS 2019 Publication Evaluation Form

Please give us feedback on the Scottish Household Survey (SHS) 2019 data communication, and on your wishes for future SHS reporting by completing this short survey. Your responses will help shape the look of future Scottish Household Survey reports and our broader strategy on how we communicate.

In 2019, the Scottish Household Survey 2019 reporting consisted of a Headline Report, Data Explorer, and Key Findings Infographic. We also published an Excel file with all data, a summary of evidence produced to help inform the policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a quiz and a Young People Film made in collaboration with YoungScot. These publications replace the previous Annual Report.

1) Overall, what do you think about the Scottish Household Survey reporting of the 2019 results?

Very useful

Quite useful

Not very useful

Not at all useful

I don't know

2) Are you content with the new Headline Report (34 pages) replacing the previous Annual Report (321 pages)?

Yes / No / I don't know

3) Which of the following Scottish Household Survey 2019 publications have you used/read?

The Data Explorer

Headline Report

2019 Key Findings Infographic

Young People's Film

Excel File


Culture Topic Report

Childcare Topic Report

4) How useful is the Data Explorer to you?

Very useful

Quite useful

Not very useful

Not at all useful

I don't know

5) Anything you particularly liked or disliked with the Data Explorer?

6) How useful is the 2019 Headline Report to you?

Very useful

Quite useful

Not very useful

Not at all useful

I don't know

7) Anything you particularly liked or disliked about the 2019 Headline Report?

8) How useful is the 2019 Key Findings Infographic to you?

Very useful

Quite useful

Not very useful

Not at all useful

I don't know

9) What do you think of the length of the 2019 Key Findings Report?

It is too short

It is good as it is

It is too long

I don't know

10) Anything in particular you liked or disliked about the 2019 Key Findings Infographic?

11) How engaging was the Young People's Video?

Very engaging

Quite engaging

Not very engaging

Not at all engaging

I don't know

12) Anything in particular you liked or disliked about the Young People's Video?

13) How useful is the 2019 Culture Topic Report to you?

Very useful

Quite useful

Not very useful

Not at all useful

I don't know

14) Anything in particular you liked or disliked about the 2019 Culture Topic Report?

15) How useful is the 2019 Childcare Topic Report to you?

Very useful

Quite useful

Not very useful

Not at all useful

I don't know

16) Anything in particular you liked or disliked about the 2019 Childcare Topic Report?

17) Is there anything you feel was missing in the 2019 SHS publication format?

18) Do you have any further comments regarding the communication of SHS 2019 data?

19) Where do you work?

Scottish Government

Local Authority

Health Board

School or Education

Research organisation

College or University

Voluntary/Third Sector

Public-sector organisation

Private-sector organisation


20) Have you used the Scottish Household Survey before?

Yes / No / I don't know

21) How often do you use the Scottish Household Survey?

Often - at least once a month

Sometimes - a few times a year

Rarely - less than once a year

I don't know



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