
Scottish Household Survey User Engagement Report 2020

This report summarises the results of the user engagement that has been undertaken on the outputs produce from the 2019 Scottish Household Survey

9. Annex B – Feedback on Data Explorer prototype questionnaire

Scottish Household Survey Data Explorer Feedback

The Scottish Household Survey Data Explorer is an interactive tool designed for users to access, explore and export the survey data. Information is available for the whole of Scotland and at local authority level for various aspects of Scottish households, such as their composition, behaviour and attitudes.

We would like to hear your views on our new way of disseminating the data.

We would appreciate if you could take a few minutes to fill out this questionnaire.

1) How often do you use information from the Scottish Household Survey?

Often - most weeks

Sometimes - most months

Rarely - a couple of times a year

This is my first time using the LA tables

I don't know

2) What functionality do you require in the Data Explorer? Please tick all the apply

Data tables



Local Authority reports

Downloadable tables and charts


5) How easy or difficult was it to use the following?

Very easy Easy Neither easy nor difficult Difficult Very difficult Don't know
Data tables
Downloadable reports

6) Any comments about your ratings?

7) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following?

Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Don't know
Clarity - how easy the information is to understand
Content - how useful the information and functionality is
Amount of guidance
Overall experience

8) Any comments about your ratings?

9) Did you watch the video tutorial provided in the pop-up window when entering the Data Explorer?

Yes / No

10) How helpful was the video tutorial?

Very helpful

Somewhat helpful

Neither helpful nor unhelpful

Somewhat unhelpful

Very unhelpful

11) What do you like best about the Scottish Household Survey Data Explorer?

12) What do you like least about the Scottish Household Survey Data Explorer?

13) Which best describes your sector?

Local Authority

Scottish Government

Health board

School, college, university or education






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