
Scottish housing guide for people leaving the Armed Forces and ex-service personnel

Information about housing in Scotland and contacts of organisations who may be able to help armed forces and ex-service personnel obtain housing suitable for their needs.

1.1 Introduction

Whether you are beginning your career in the Armed Forces or planning to leave the Armed Forces, making the decision about where you and your family live once you leave is a very important one.

Don't leave planning for this until after you have received a notice to vacate. Start planning as early as possible whether you are leaving in a few years or few months.

Your options include:

  • Buying a property
  • Renting a property in the private rented sector
  • Mid-market renting a property from a housing association
  • Renting a property from a local authority, housing association, or from ex-Service charities across Scotland

You will find more information about this at or at



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