
Scottish Housing Market Review Q2 2024

Quarterly bulletin collating a range of previously published statistics on the latest trends in the Scottish housing market.


1 Note that this data differs from data in Chart 6.1 and Chart 6.2 because it refers to the average of advertised rates rather than the average of interest actually paid, and differs from data in Chart 6.3 because it is the average across all LTV levels.

2 A regulated loan is a loan to an individual, secured by a first or second charge on residential property, where the property is for the use of the borrower or a close relative.

3 A non-regulated loan is all other mortgage lending to individuals that is not regulated, such as buy-to-let lending.

4 Note that since covid payment holidays were not classified as technical arrears, they are not reflected in these figures; however, when these payment holidays ended in April 2021, this did not result in an immediate substantial increase in arrears.

5 FCA data is collected on an account basis, whereas UK Finance data is collected on a borrower basis and covers first-charge mortgage lending only.



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