Scottish Income Tax 2019-2020: rates and bands

Rates and bands for Scottish income tax in financial year 2019 to 2020.

Scotland Act 2016 provides the Scottish Parliament with the power to set all income tax rates and bands (except the personal allowance, which remains reserved) that will apply to Scottish taxpayers' non-savings, non-dividend (NSND) income for tax year 2019 to 2020.

While the Scottish Parliament has the power to set the Scottish income tax rates and bands, HMRC will continue to be responsible for its collection and management. As such, Scottish income tax remains part of the existing UK income tax system and is not a devolved tax.

How the Scottish income tax works

The income tax rates and bands payable by Scottish taxpayers will be those set by the Scottish Parliament. Receipts from Scottish income tax will be collected by HMRC and paid to the Scottish Government (via HM-Treasury).

Scottish rates and bands for 2019 to 2020

On 19 February 2019 the Scottish Parliament set the following income tax rates and bands for 2019 to 2020.


Band name


Over £12,500-£14,549

Starter Rate


Over £14,549-£24,944

Scottish Basic Rate


Over £24,944-£43,430

Intermediate Rate


Over £43,430-£150,000

Higher Rate


Above £150,000

Top Rate


Personal Allowance

These rates assume the person is receiving the Standard UK Personal Allowance for tax-free income of £12,500. Personal Allowance is reduced by £1 for every £2 earned over £100,000.

Scottish taxpayers

Scottish income tax is only payable by Scottish taxpayers. HMRC will determine whether or not you are a Scottish taxpayer based on where your main place of residence is. HMRC need to know if you have changed your address - you can tell HMRC about a change of address on the UK government website.

More information

The documents below provide further information on Scottish Income Tax and the Scottish Rate Resolution (SRR).

Analytical Note on Impacts on Income Levels and Equality
Scottish income tax annual summary: 2018-2019
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