
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2016: introductory booklet

An update to the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD).

Case Study: MyBUS

About Levenmouth

The Levenmouth area in Fife covers the towns of Leven, Methil, Buckhaven, the Wemyss Villages, Kennoway, Windygates and parts of the Largo area.

Built on coal mining, Levenmouth had employment guaranteed from the 1800s up until the late 1970s, when the decline started. Methil Docks saw some upturn in the mid 1980s with the manufacture and repair of steel platforms and jackets for the oil industry. This has been advantageous in providing skilled opportunities but is an industry that can experience cyclical downturns.

MyBUS is a Social Enterprise that provides an accessible community transport service, and other services like a lunch club, gardening, painting and shopping. Their base is Scoonie Bowling Club and they make the pavilion and the bowling green available to the community.

MyBUS is run by 18 volunteers and two staff from all backgrounds and ages from 17 to 89. Many of the volunteers are unemployed and seeking to increase skills and employability through involvement with the organisation. Both MyBUS employees started as volunteers.

SIMD shows that parts of the Levenmouth area are among the most deprived in Scotland, with particular issues with low income, education, and crime.

"One of the first projects was clearing up Leven Beach, we removed shopping trolleys, bikes and various other objects in the river mouth and on the beach. The Leven Beach part of the Fife Coastal Path is now an award-winning beach.

"The area seems to be a lot cleaner with less fly tipping and older people in general seem to be happier with their lot. This is possibly a slanted view as social isolation and loneliness is what we address on a daily basis and the results are so rewarding."

Mary from My Bus

"I like the people and the area, this is like one big family at MyBUS."

Angela (volunteer)

"I like about the area that it's quiet, and there's a close-knit community. I have access to the beach and glen, it's great for walks with the dog."

Margaret (lunch club member)


Email: Alastair McAlpine,

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