
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020: introduction

This booklet provides an overview of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020 - a tool for identifying the places where people are experiencing disadvantage across different aspects of their lives.

Connecting people and communities to tackle disadvantage

SURF is Scotland's Regeneration Forum, aiming to improve the wellbeing of people in Scotland's disadvantaged communities. SURF Awards highlight the important role that community-led initiatives have in improving the wellbeing of individuals and communities. These are some of the projects and people involved in the Awards.

St Paul's Youth Forum (Blackhill and Provanmill, Glasgow)

SPYF was created by local residents to offer their young people alternatives to crime and antisocial behaviour. It supports 150 teenagers a year into activities such as a community growing initiative, a local radio station, community meals and a cycle share/repair scheme. The focus is on raising aspirations, creating opportunities to learn and building a strong sense of community.

DRC Youth Project (NW Glasgow – Yoker, Whiteinch and Scotstoun)

DRC offers meaningful long-term support to young people who are most affected by negative social and economic situations, enabling them to make positive changes in their lives. DRC set up the Pathfinder Programme with WorkingRite to give young people access to real jobs and opportunities in the community, and ensure that no one is left behind.

Over 90% of the young people supported during the year progressed into employment, apprenticeships or further education.

WHALE Arts (Wester Hailes, Edinburgh)

WHALE Arts was founded by local community members nearly 30 years ago. They operate from a unique community asset with a range of creative spaces including an arts workshop, performance space, and community garden.

One of their projects was Changing Perspectives, Wester Hailes' first Film and Moving Image Festival. They are contributing to the Wester Hailes Place Plan, and showing how an arts centre can inform and drive creative regeneration.

RIGS Arts – Broomhill Project (Broomhill, Glasgow)

This project connects local residents with artists, helping them develop their skills and deliver positive change. A dedicated Community Art Flat has become a busy hub and meeting point for local people. The workshops have enabled participants to gain key practical and interpersonal skills, improving wellbeing and opportunities for work, education and training. The local residents have a sense of pride and ownership over the changes being made to their neighbourhood.

SIMD is important in highlighting what problems a community may be facing, but that is only part of the community story.

'SIMD can be useful to describe the general areas where people live and some of the challenges that they face there. We also need to understand more about local assets and aspirations and how we can better engage with them for more successful and sustainable community regeneration - to everyone's benefit.'

Andy Milne
Chief Executive
SURF – Scotland's Regeneration Forum



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