
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020: introduction

This booklet provides an overview of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020 - a tool for identifying the places where people are experiencing disadvantage across different aspects of their lives.

How can I use SIMD?

Use SIMD for

  • Comparing overall deprivation of small areas
  • Comparing the seven domains of deprivation
  • Comparing the proportion of small areas in a council that are very deprived
  • Finding areas where many people experience multiple deprivation
  • Finding areas of greater need for support and intervention

Do not use SIMD for

  • Saying how much more deprived one area is from another – the difference between two ranks can be tiny or large
  • Comparing ranks over time – changes are relative and may not reflect actual changes in the neighbourhood
  • Comparing with other UK countries – each country measures deprivation slightly differently
  • Identifying all people who are experiencing deprivation in Scotland – not everyone facing disadvantage lives in a deprived area
  • Identifying affluent areas – lack of deprivation is not the same as being rich



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