
Scottish Inpatient Experience Survey 2016 Volume 1: National Results

Report detailing the results from the Scottish Inpatient Experience Survey 2016.

Results - Care and Support Services


People were mainly positive about the care and support services that were arranged for them for after leaving hospital, around four out of five ( 81 per cent) rated their care and support services as 'excellent' or 'good'. However, this is a fall of two percentage points from 2014.

People reported in most cases that the care and support services were right for them. However, a small proportion ( 17 per cent) reported that they had had to wait for their care and services to be organised, a rise of three percentage points from 2014.

Care and support Services

Waiting unnecessarily in hospital when clinically ready to be discharged can result in poorer outcomes for individuals as well as being a waste of healthcare resources. To tackle this issue the Scottish Government legislated through the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2016, to integrate health and social care services in Scotland. The Act includes a range of high level outcomes [ 23] health and social care partnerships are aiming to achieve. These are underpinned by a suite of core indicators, one of which is to increase the percentage of delayed discharges that are discharged within 72 hours of being ready for discharge.

Figure 35 Overall, how would you rate the care or support services you got after leaving hospital? (%)

Figure 35 Overall, how would you rate the care or support services you got after leaving hospital?

Figure 36 Overall, how would you rate the care or support services you got after leaving hospital? (%)

Figure 36 Overall, how would you rate the care or support services you got after leaving hospital?

Among those people who responded to the survey, almost a quarter ( 23 per cent) needed care or support services to be arranged for them when they got out of hospital.

Of these patients who needed care or support services (Figures 35 to 37):

  • around four in five ( 81 per cent) rated the care or support services they got after leaving hospital positively, a two percentage point fall from 2014
  • one in six ( 17 per cent) indicated that they had to stay in hospital longer than expected to wait for their care or support services to be organised, a rise of three percentage points from 2014
  • around nine out of ten ( 88 per cent) reported that the care and support services they had received after leaving hospital were right for them

Figure 37 Summary results of care and support services (%)

Figure 37 Summary results of care and support services


Email: Nicola Kerr,

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