
Scottish Inpatient Experience Survey 2016 Volume 2: Technical Report

Report detailing survey design of the Scottish Inpatient Experience Survey 2016.


This report provides information on the technical aspects of the 2015/16 Scottish Inpatient Experience Survey including implementation, analysis and reporting.

The survey covers seven specific areas of people's experience: admission to hospital; the hospital and ward; care and treatment; operations and procedures; hospital staff; arrangements for leaving hospital; and care and support services after leaving hospital.

The Inpatient Experience Survey is jointly supported by Scottish Government, Information Services Division ( ISD Scotland) [1] and NHS Boards. National results as well as individual reports for NHS Health Boards, including Golden Jubilee Foundation ( GJF), and hospitals were published on 30 August 2016.

The Inpatient Experience Survey is one of a suite of national surveys which are part of the Scottish Care Experience Survey Programme. The surveys aim to provide local and national information on the quality of health and care services from the perspective of those using them. They allow local health and care providers to compare with other areas of Scotland and to track progress in improving the experiences of people using their services.

Information about the other national care experience surveys is available at:


Email: Nicola Kerr,

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