
Scottish Inpatient Experience Survey 2016 Volume 2: Technical Report

Report detailing survey design of the Scottish Inpatient Experience Survey 2016.

Changes to the Survey

Survey development

The survey was fundamentally redeveloped ahead of the 2014 survey, details of which are available in the 2013/14 survey's technical report:

Minimal changes were made to the 2016 survey to ensure comparability and allow reporting of trends over time. Details of these changes are outlined below.

Changes to the 2016 Survey, compared with the 2014 Survey

New questions

Only one new question was added to the 2016 Inpatient Survey, which is shown in Table 1 below:

Table 1: New question for the 2015/16 Survey

Question Number Question Reason for new question
14i The equipment used for my treatment was clean. This question was proposed by SG health policy area covering healthcare associated infection as this is an important part of patient care.

Changed questions

Changes were made to three existing questions, which are shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Questions changed in the 2016 Inpatient Experience Survey

Question Number 2016 Survey Question Question Number 2014 Survey Reason for change
14h There were times when I felt threatened by other patients or visitors. 14h This question has been reworded to exclude the word 'bothered' which will enable benchmarking against England.
26 During your stay in hospital, if you had a drip or needle in a vein to give you medicines or fluids, did any of the following occur? - Response options amended 26 The answer options to this question have been reworded in order to make it easier for people to answer. In its previous format, the available response options meant that the correct response for some people was to leave the question blank. Now all respondents can select a valid answer.
53 How did you feel about the overall length of time you were in hospital? 53 This question has been reworded to include the word 'overall' for clarification and consistency with other 'overall' questions.

Removed questions

No questions were removed from the 2016 Inpatient Survey.

Survey materials

The survey mail out included a questionnaire, an invitation letter, an information leaflet in a range of languages and a freepost envelope. Respondents also had the option to complete and return the questionnaire online or via a telephone helpline in a wide range of languages. The helpline was also available to handle questions or complaints about the survey.

A copy of the questionnaire and other survey materials can be found at:


Email: Nicola Kerr,

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