
Scottish Inpatient Patient Experience Survey 2011 Volume 1: National Results

Scottish Inpatient Patient Experience Survey 2011 Volume 1: National Results

ANNEX C - Hospital Types

The table below shows the different types of hospital included in the survey in each NHS Board area.

Health Board A1 - Teaching hospitals A2 - Large general hospitals A3 - General hospitals B - Long stay hospitals J26 - Community hospitals
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 2 1 2 4
NHS Borders 1 1 4
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 1 1 4 4
NHS Fife 2 1 1 4
NHS Forth Valley 3 3
NHS Grampian 1 1 1 19
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 4 4 1 3
NHS Highland 1 4 5 11
NHS Lanarkshire 3 4
NHS Lothian 2 1 4
NHS Orkney 1
NHS Shetland 1
NHS Tayside 1 1 2 2 7
NHS Western Isles 1 1

A number of 'other' units were excluded from hospital type analysis as they were not comparable with the type of hospital classification used.

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