
Scottish Inpatient Patient Experience Survey 2011 Volume 1: National Results

Scottish Inpatient Patient Experience Survey 2011 Volume 1: National Results

9 Results - NHS Boards

9.1 This chapter provides a summary for each NHS Board of questions where there is a statistically significant change in the result compared with last year. NHS Boards results for each question in the survey are not provided in this chapter and have been published separately at:

9.2 Significance testing is done at the 5% level. This means that there is a one in twenty chance that a difference found to be significantly different is actually due to random variation rather than a real difference. Due to the large number of comparisons being made there will be some differences shown as being statistically significant, but are actually due to random variation. For this reason it is best to look at the overall patterns in the results rather than differences in results for individual questions.

9.3 The percentage of patients answering positively this year and the percentage point difference from last year is shown in brackets beside each question.

9.4 The response rates shown here are slightly different from those shown in the individual hospital and NHS Board reports because here patients who were included in the sample, but not sent a survey because they had died are not included in the denominator.

Ayrshire and Arran

9.5 In NHS Ayrshire and Arran 4,096 surveys were returned (a 52% response rate) across nine NHS hospitals. This included two large general hospitals, one general hospital, two long stay hospitals and four community hospitals.

9.6 Compared to last year, NHS Ayrshire and Arran patients were significantly more likely to report a positive experience in the following areas:

  • Did the information you were given before attending hospital help you understand what would happen? (95%; +3%);
  • The bathrooms and toilets were clean. (90%; +1%);
  • I was not bothered or threatened by other patients or visitors. (82%; +5%);
  • I had privacy when my condition and treatment was discussed. (86%; +2%);
  • Overall, how would you rate your care and treatment during your stay in hospital? (87%; +2%);
  • There was enough time to talk to the doctors. (85%; +7%);
  • Doctors knew enough about my condition and treatment. (88%; +3%);
  • Doctors explained the risks and benefits of any treatment in a way I could understand. (88%; +3%);
  • Doctors talked in a way that helped me understand my condition and treatment. (88%; +2%);
  • Doctors gave me clear explanations about any operations and procedures (e.g. what would happen, how I could expect to feel). (87%; +3%);
  • Doctors told me how my operation or procedure had gone in a way I could understand. (86%; +2%);
  • Doctors listened to me if I had any questions or concerns. (89%; +4%);
  • Overall, how would you rate the arrangements made for you leaving hospital. (78%; +4%);
  • I understood what was happening to me. (89%; +2%);

9.7 Compared to last year, NHS Ayrshire and Arran patients were significantly less likely to report a positive experience in the following areas:

  • In the Emergency Department/Accident and Emergency, I was told how long I would have to wait. (53%; -5%);
  • I was happy with the food and drink that I received. (80%; -2%);
  • I knew who was in charge of the ward. (63%; -4%);
  • I got help with eating and drinking when I needed it. (71%; -4%);
  • There was enough time to talk to the nurses. (78%; -4%);
  • I was given help with arranging transport. (70%; -5%);


9.8 In NHS Borders 658 surveys were returned (a 53% response rate) across six NHS hospitals. This included one large general hospital, one long stay hospital and four community hospitals.

9.9 Compared to last year, NHS Borders patients were significantly more likely to report a positive experience in the following areas:

  • From the time you arrived at hospital, how did you feel about the time you had to wait to get a bed on the ward? (94%; +4%);
  • The main ward or room I stayed in was clean. (93%; +4%);
  • The bathrooms and toilets were clean. (88%; +5%);
  • I was not bothered or threatened by other patients or visitors. (84%; +8%);
  • How did you feel about being involved in decisions about your care and treatment? (88%; +6%);

9.10 Compared to last year, there were no questions for which NHS Borders patients were significantly less likely to report a positive experience.

Dumfries and Galloway

9.11 In NHS Dumfries and Galloway 1,482 surveys were returned (a 54% response rate) across eleven hospitals. This included one large general hospital, one general hospital, four long stay, four community hospitals and one other location.

9.12 Compared to last year, NHS Dumfries and Galloway patients were significantly more likely to report a positive experience in the following areas:

  • In the Emergency Department/Accident and Emergency, I was told what was happening in a way I could understand. (88%; +5%);
  • How did you feel about being involved in decisions about your care and treatment? (87%; +3%);
  • Doctors explained the risks and benefits of any treatment in a way I could understand. (89%; +3%);

9.13 Compared to last year, NHS Dumfries and Galloway patients were significantly less likely to report a positive experience in the following area:

  • There was enough time to talk to the nurses. (72%; -5%);


9.14 In NHS Fife a total of 1,313 surveys were returned (a 49% response rate) across eight NHS hospitals. This included two large general hospitals, one general and one long stay hospital, and four community hospitals.

9.15 Compared to last year, NHS Fife patients were significantly more likely to report a positive experience in the following area:

  • There was enough time to talk to the doctors. (81%; +5%);

9.16 Compared to last year, NHS Fife patients were significantly less likely to report a positive experience in the following areas:

  • I was happy with the food and drink that I received. (66%; -5%);
  • I got help with eating and drinking when I needed it. (62%; -8%);

Forth Valley

9.17 In NHS Forth Valley a total of 939 surveys were returned (a 47% response rate) across seven NHS hospitals. This included three large general hospitals, three long stay hospitals and one other site.

9.18 Compared to last year, NHS Forth Valley patients were significantly more likely to report a positive experience in the following areas:

  • How did you feel about being involved in decisions about your care and treatment? (84%; +6%);
  • There was enough time to talk to the doctors. (80%; +10%);
  • Doctors listened to me if I had any questions or concerns. (86%; +8%);
  • Nurses listened to me if I had any questions or concerns. (87%; +4%);

9.19 Compared to last year, there were no questions for which NHS Forth Valley patients were significantly less likely to report a positive experience.


9.20 In NHS Grampian a total of 4,027 surveys were returned (a 56% response rate) across twenty five NHS hospitals. This included one teaching hospital, one general and one long stay hospital, nineteen community hospitals and three other locations.

9.21 Compared to last year, NHS Grampian patients were significantly more likely to report a positive experience in the following areas:

  • Did the information you were given before attending hospital help you understand what would happen? (96%; +3%);
  • From the time you arrived at hospital, how did you feel about the time you had to wait to get a bed on the ward? (89%; +2%);
  • Overall, how would you rate your admission to hospital (i.e. the period after you arrived at hospital until you got to a bed on the ward)? (83%; +2%);
  • The main ward or room I stayed in was clean. (92%; +5%);
  • The bathrooms and toilets were clean. (87%; +5%);
  • I was not bothered or threatened by other patients or visitors. (83%; +4%);
  • Overall, how would you rate the hospital environment? (80%; +3%);
  • How did you feel about being involved in decisions about your care and treatment? (87%; +4%);
  • Overall, how would you rate your care and treatment during your stay in hospital? (86%; +3%);
  • There was enough time to talk to the doctors. (81%; +3%);
  • Doctors listened to me if I had any questions or concerns. (88%; +2%);
  • As far as I was aware doctors washed/cleaned their hands at appropriate times. (86%; +2%);
  • Nurses listened to me if I had any questions or concerns. (87%; +3%);
  • As far as I was aware nurses washed/cleaned their hands at appropriate times. (89%; +1%);
  • How much do you agree or disagree that staff worked well together in organising your care? (84%; +2%);
  • I was treated with respect. (91%; +1%);
  • I trusted the people looking after me. (91%; +2%);
  • I understood what was happening to me. (90%; +2%);
  • I was as physically comfortable as I could expect to be. (91%; +2%);

9.22 Compared to last year, NHS Grampian patients were significantly less likely to report a positive experience in the following areas:

  • In the Emergency Department/Accident and Emergency, I was told how long I would have to wait. (44%; -8%);
  • There was enough time to talk to the nurses. (75%; -3%);
  • I was given help with arranging transport. (58%; -4%);
  • I was confident I could look after myself when I left hospital. (85%; -2%);

Greater Glasgow and Clyde

9.23 In NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde a total of 9,084 surveys were returned (a 51% response rate) across thirteen NHS hospitals. This included four teaching and four large general hospitals, one general, three long stay hospitals and one other location.

9.24 Compared to last year, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde patients were significantly more likely to report a positive experience in the following areas:

  • Did the information you were given before attending hospital help you understand what would happen? (95%; +1%);
  • The main ward or room I stayed in was clean. (92%; +2%);
  • The bathrooms and toilets were clean. (86%; +3%);
  • I was not bothered or threatened by other patients or visitors. (82%; +3%);
  • I got help with washing and dressing when I needed it. (82%; +2%);
  • How did you feel about being involved in decisions about your care and treatment? (85%; +2%);
  • There was enough time to talk to the doctors. (81%; +4%);
  • Doctors knew enough about my condition and treatment. (87%; +1%);
  • Doctors explained the risks and benefits of any treatment in a way I could understand. (88%; +2%);
  • Doctors gave me clear explanations about any operations and procedures (e.g. what would happen, how I could expect to feel). (87%; +2%);
  • Doctors listened to me if I had any questions or concerns. (88%; +2%);
  • As far as I was aware doctors washed/cleaned their hands at appropriate times. (87%; +2%);
  • Nurses listened to me if I had any questions or concerns. (87%; +3%);
  • As far as I was aware nurses washed/cleaned their hands at appropriate times. (89%; +1%);
  • I was confident that any help I needed had been arranged for when I got home. (75%; +2%);
  • Overall, how would you rate the arrangements made for you leaving hospital. (73%; +2%);
  • I was treated with respect. (92%; +1%);
  • I was treated with care. (92%; +1%);
  • I trusted the people looking after me. (91%; +2%);
  • I understood what was happening to me. (90%; +2%);
  • I was as physically comfortable as I could expect to be. (91%; +2%);
  • Compared to last year, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde patients were significantly less likely to report a positive experience in the following areas:
  • From the time you arrived at hospital, how did you feel about the time you had to wait to get a bed on the ward? (83%; -2%);
  • Overall, how would you rate your admission to hospital (i.e. the period after you arrived at hospital until you got to a bed on the ward)? (75%; -3%);
  • I was happy with the food and drink that I received. (57%; -3%);
  • There was enough time to talk to the nurses. (76%; -2%);
  • Nurses gave me clear explanations about any operations and procedures (e.g. what would happen, how I could expect to feel). (74%; -3%);
  • I was confident I could look after myself when I left hospital. (86%; -3%);


9.25 In NHS Highland a total of 2,948 surveys were returned (a 55% response rate) across twenty one NHS hospitals. This included one large general hospital, four general hospitals, five long stay and eleven community hospitals.

9.26 Compared to last year, there were no questions for which NHS Highland patients were significantly more likely to report a positive experience.

9.27 Compared to last year, NHS Highland patients were significantly less likely to report a positive experience in the following areas:

  • In the Emergency Department/Accident and Emergency, I was told how long I would have to wait. (57%; -7%);
  • I was happy with the food and drink that I received. (76%; -6%);
  • I knew who was in charge of the ward. (63%; -6%);
  • I got help with eating and drinking when I needed it. (70%; -6%);
  • Doctors knew enough about my condition and treatment. (88%; -2%);
  • Doctors gave me clear explanations about any operations and procedures (e.g. what would happen, how I could expect to feel). (88%; -2%);
  • There was enough time to talk to the nurses. (80%; -6%);
  • Nurses knew enough about my condition and treatment. (84%; -3%);
  • Nurses talked in a way that helped me understand my condition and treatment. (83%; -3%);
  • Nurses gave me clear explanations about any operations and procedures (e.g. what would happen, how I could expect to feel). (80%; -3%);
  • Overall, how would you rate all the staff who you came into contact with? (91%; -1%);
  • I was happy with how long I had to wait around when I was told I could go home. (75%; -4%);
  • I was given help with arranging transport. (61%; -7%);
  • I understood who to contact if I had any questions after leaving hospital. (81%; -4%);
  • I was told about any danger signals to watch for when I got home. (73%; -3%);
  • I was given advice on how to look after myself. (78%; -4%);
  • I was confident I could look after myself when I left hospital. (86%; -3%);


9.28 In NHS Lanarkshire a total of 1,160 surveys were returned (a 46% response rate) across eight NHS hospitals. This included three large general hospitals, four community hospitals and one other location.

9.29 Compared to last year, there were no questions for which NHS Lanarkshire patients were significantly more likely to report a positive experience.

9.30 Compared to last year, NHS Lanarkshire patients were significantly less likely to report a positive experience in the following areas:

  • In the Emergency Department/Accident and Emergency, I was told how long I would have to wait. (44%; -10%);
  • Overall, how would you rate your admission to hospital (i.e. the period after you arrived at hospital until you got to a bed on the ward)? (72%; -4%);
  • I was happy with the food and drink that I received. (48%; -4%);
  • I knew who was in charge of the ward. (57%; -4%);
  • There was enough time to talk to the nurses. (69%; -7%);
  • Nurses knew enough about my condition and treatment. (76%; -4%);
  • I got the best treatment for my condition. (84%; -4%);
  • I was confident I could look after myself when I left hospital. (84%; -5%);


9.31 In NHS Lothian a total of 2,082 surveys were returned (a 49% response rate) across eight NHS hospitals. This included two teaching hospitals, one large general hospital, four long stay hospitals and one other location.

9.32 Compared to last year, NHS Lothian patients were significantly more likely to report a positive experience in the following areas:

  • I was not bothered or threatened by other patients or visitors. (83%; +4%);
  • I got help with washing and dressing when I needed it. (83%; +5%);
  • How did you feel about being involved in decisions about your care and treatment? (88%; +4%);
  • There was enough time to talk to the doctors. (82%; +5%);
  • Doctors listened to me if I had any questions or concerns. (89%; +4%);
  • As far as I was aware doctors washed/cleaned their hands at appropriate times. (88%; +6%);
  • Nurses listened to me if I had any questions or concerns. (88%; +3%);
  • As far as I was aware nurses washed/cleaned their hands at appropriate times. (91%; +5%);
  • I understood how and when to take my medicines. (97%; +2%);

9.33 Compared to last year, there were no questions for which NHS Lothian patients were significantly less likely to report a positive experience.


9.34 In NHS Orkney 150 surveys were returned (a 60% response rate) across one NHS Board site. This was at one general hospital.

9.35 The results for Orkney are not directly comparable over time because last year's survey excluded patients that were admitted for a procedure. This is the reason that the number of eligible inpatients in Orkney increased from 412 last year to 681 this year.

9.36 Compared to last year, there were no questions for which NHS Orkney patients were significantly more likely to report a positive experience.

9.37 Compared to last year, NHS Orkney patients were significantly less likely to report a positive experience in the following areas:

  • Doctors explained the risks and benefits of any treatment in a way I could understand. (82%; -12%);
  • There was enough time to talk to the nurses. (73%; -18%);
  • I understood who to contact if I had any questions after leaving hospital. (80%; -9%);
  • I understood how and when to take my medicines. (95%; -5%);


9.38 In NHS Shetland a total of 294 surveys were returned (a 53% response rate) across one NHS hospital site. This was at one general hospital.

9.39 Compared to last year, NHS Shetland patients were significantly more likely to report a positive experience in the following area:

  • I got help with eating and drinking when I needed it. (79%; +13%);

9.40 Compared to last year, NHS Shetland patients were significantly less likely to report a positive experience in the following area:

  • I got the best treatment for my condition. (88%; -5%);


9.41 In NHS Tayside a total of 1,316 surveys were returned (a 49% response rate) across thirteen NHS hospitals. This included one teaching and one large general hospital, two general and two long stay hospitals, and seven community hospitals.

9.42 Compared to last year, there were no questions for which NHS Tayside patients were significantly more likely to report a positive experience.

9.43 Compared to last year, NHS Tayside patients were significantly less likely to report a positive experience in the following areas:

  • I was happy with the food and drink that I received. (70%; -5%);
  • There was enough time to talk to the nurses. (74%; -6%);
  • I was given help with arranging transport. (61%; -9%);

Western Isles

9.44 In NHS Western Isles a total of 442 surveys were returned (a 56% response rate) across three NHS hospitals. This included one general hospital, one community hospital, and one other location.

9.45 Compared to last year, NHS Western Isles patients were significantly more likely to report a positive experience in the following area:

  • How did you feel about being involved in decisions about your care and treatment? (90%; +6%);

9.46 Compared to last year, NHS Western Isles patients were significantly less likely to report a positive experience in the following area:

  • I was confident I could look after myself when I left hospital. (84%; -8%);

National Waiting Times Centre

9.47 At the National Waiting Times Centre a total of 1,057 surveys were returned (a 76% response rate) across one hospital site.

9.48 Compared to last year, National Waiting Times Centre patients were significantly more likely to report a positive experience in the following areas:

  • Overall, how would you rate the hospital environment? (98%; +1%);
  • Overall, how would you rate your care and treatment during your stay in hospital? (98%; +2%);
  • I was confident that any help I needed had been arranged for when I got home. (89%; +4%);
  • Overall, how would you rate the arrangements made for you leaving hospital. (91%; +3%);
  • I was treated with care. (99%; +2%);
  • I trusted the people looking after me. (99%; +2%);

9.49 Compared to last year, there were no questions for which National Waiting Times Centre patients were significantly less likely to report a positive experience.

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