Scottish Inpatient Patient Experience Survey 2012 Volume 1: National results

The Better Together Scottish Patient Experience Inpatient Survey is a postal survey, first conducted in early 2010, with the aim of establishing the experience of a sample of people aged 16 years and over who had a recent overnight hospital stay. The survey covers six specific areas of inpatient experience: admission to hospital; the hospital and ward; care and treatment; hospital staff; arrangements for leaving hospital; and care and support services after leaving hospital.


Scotland Performs Healthcare Experience Indicator

11.1 The Healthcare Experience Indicator has been developed to measure the reported experience of people using the NHS. It is one of the 50 National Indicators in the National Performance Framework, which sets out the Government's outcomes based approach. Progress is reported in Scotland Performs:

11.2 The indicator is based on the results of the inpatient survey. It is calculated by giving numerical scores to people's answers to selected questions. Information on how the indicator is calculated is available in chapter 8 of the technical report.

11.3 The 2012 value of the Healthcare Experience Indicator is 78.7 which is a statistically significant increase of 0.6 compared to 2011. Results by NHS Board are presented in Table 14 below.

Table 14 Healthcare Experience Indicator 2010-2011, by NHS Board

NHS Board 2010 2011 2012 Change 2011-12
Scotland 78.3 78.1 78.7 0.6 significantly better
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 79.2 79.3 80.0 0.7  
NHS Borders 81.1 79.8 79.9 0.1  
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 79.0 79.3 79.8 0.5  
NHS Fife 76.9 77.4 75.7 -1.7 significantly worse
NHS Forth Valley 74.2 74.5 75.3 0.8  
NHS Grampian 77.3 78.3 79.5 1.2 significantly better
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 77.0 76.5 76.6 0.1  
NHS Highland 83.9 82.8 83.8 1 significantly better
NHS Lanarkshire 74.7 73.5 74.0 0.5  
NHS Lothian 78.3 79.1 79.6 0.5  
NHS Orkney 85.5 82.4 87.0 4.6 significantly better
NHS Shetland 82.6 83.5 84.2 0.7  
NHS Tayside 80.6 79.7 80.9 1.2  
NHS Western Isles 84.9 86.0 85.9 -0.1  
NHS National Waiting Times Centre 91.1 91.9 91.6 -0.3  

Quality Outcome Indicator

11.4 Twelve national Quality Outcome Indicators show progress towards the ambitions of the Quality Strategy. One of these indicators is Healthcare Experience. This indicator combines the Scotland Performs Healthcare Experience Indicator described above, with data from the Patient Experience Survey of GP and other local NHS services.

11.5 Further information on how the indicator is calculated is available in chapter 8 of the technical report.

11.6 The latest value of the Healthcare Experience Quality Outcome Indicator is based on the 2012 Inpatient Survey and the 2011/12 Patient Experience Survey of GP and other local NHS services12.

11.7 The latest value of the indicator is 79.5 which is a statistically significant decrease of 0.7 compared to 2011. The main reason for this decrease is that patients were less positive about accessing GP practice services in 2011/12 compared to 2009/10. Results by NHS Board are presented in Table 15 below:

Table 15 Quality Outcome Indicator by NHS Board

NHS Board 2011 2012 Change 2011-12
Scotland 80.2 79.5 -0.7 significantly worse
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 80.5 79.6 -0.9 significantly worse
NHS Borders 82.4 80.7 -1.7 significantly worse
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 81.9 81.7 -0.2  
NHS Fife 79.2 76.7 -2.5 significantly worse
NHS Forth Valley 78.1 77.6 -0.5 significantly worse
NHS Grampian 79.5 79.2 -0.3  
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 80.0 79.2 -0.8 significantly worse
NHS Highland 84.0 83.8 -0.2  
NHS Lanarkshire 76.8 75.8 -1 significantly worse
NHS Lothian 80.2 79.6 -0.6 significantly worse
NHS Orkney 86.7 88.4 1.7 significantly better
NHS Shetland 82.3 81.5 -0.8  
NHS Tayside 81.2 81.2 0  
NHS Western Isles 86.2 85.5 -0.7  
NHS National Waiting Times Centre 91.9 91.6 -0.3  


Email: Gregor Boyd

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