Scottish Inpatient Patient Experience Survey 2012 Volume 1: National results

The Better Together Scottish Patient Experience Inpatient Survey is a postal survey, first conducted in early 2010, with the aim of establishing the experience of a sample of people aged 16 years and over who had a recent overnight hospital stay. The survey covers six specific areas of inpatient experience: admission to hospital; the hospital and ward; care and treatment; hospital staff; arrangements for leaving hospital; and care and support services after leaving hospital.


Question Number
Question text 2010 2011 2012
3. In the Accident and Emergency Department (A&E), I was told how long I would have to wait. 54 49 significantly worse 49  
4. In the Accident and Emergency Department (A&E), I was told what was happening in a way I could understand. 85 84   83  
5. Overall, how would you rate the care and treatment you received during your time in the Accident and Emergency Department (A&E)? 83 82   83  
6. If your hospital visit was planned in advance how did you feel about the length of time you waited to be admitted to hospital after being referred? 89 89   88  
7. Did the information you were given before attending hospital help you understand what would happen? 95 96 significantly better 96  
9. From the time you arrived at hospital, how did you feel about the time you had to wait to get a bed on the ward? 87 87   87  
10. Overall, how would you rate your admission to hospital (i.e. the period after you arrived at hospital until you got to a bed on the ward)? 81 80 significantly worse 80  
11a) The main ward or room I stayed in was clean. 90 92 significantly better 93 significantly better
11b) The bathrooms and toilets were clean. 84 86 significantly better 88 significantly better
11c) I was not bothered by noise at night. - 52   54 significantly better
11d) I was not bothered by noise during the day. - 68   69  
11e) I was happy with the food and drink that I received. 71 67 significantly worse 68 significantly better
11f) When I called I received assistance within a reasonable time. - 87   87  
11g) There were times I felt bothered or threatened by other patients or visitors. 80 83 significantly better 82  
11h) I knew who was in charge of the ward. 64 61 significantly worse 62  
13. Overall, how would you rate the hospital environment? 79 79   80 significantly better
14a) I was able to get adequate pain relief when I needed it. 91 91   91  
14b) I had privacy when being examined and treated. 94 95   95  
14c) I had privacy when my condition and treatment was discussed. 85 85   85  
14d) I got help with washing and dressing when I needed it. 81 82 significantly better 82  
14e) I got help with eating and drinking when I needed it. 68 68   69  
14f) I got help with going to the bathroom or toilet when I needed it. - 80   81  
14g) Before moving wards, a member of staff explained what would happen. 82 81 significantly worse 81  
14h) Moving wards was well managed. 82 82   82  
15. How did you feel about being involved in decisions about your care and treatment? 84 85 significantly better 85  
17. Overall, how would you rate your care and treatment during your stay in hospital? 84 85   85  
18a) Doctors introduced themselves to me. - 96   96  
18b) There was enough time to talk to the doctors. 78 82 significantly better 81  
18c) Doctors knew enough about my condition and treatment. 87 88 significantly better 87  
18d) Doctors explained the risks and benefits of any treatment in a way I could understand. 87 88 significantly better 87 significantly worse
18e) Doctors talked in a way that helped me understand my condition and treatment. 87 88 significantly better 88  
18f) Doctors gave me clear explanations about any operations and procedures (e.g. what would happen, how I could expect to feel). 86 87 significantly better 86  
18g) Doctors told me how my operation or procedure had gone in a way I could understand. 87 86   87  
18h) Doctors did not talk in front of me as if I was not there. - 79   80 significantly better
18i) Doctors listened to me if I had any questions or concerns. 86 88 significantly better 88  
18j) As far as I was aware doctors washed/cleaned their hands at appropriate times. 85 87 significantly better 88 significantly better
19a) Nurses introduced themselves to me. - 84   85 significantly better
19b) There was enough time to talk to the nurses. 79 76 significantly worse 76  
19c) Nurses knew enough about my condition and treatment. 82 81 significantly worse 81  
19d) Nurses talked in a way that helped me understand my condition and treatment. 80 80 significantly worse 80  
19e) Nurses gave me clear explanations about any operations and procedures (e.g. what would happen, how I could expect to feel). 77 76 significantly worse 77 significantly better
19f) Nurses did not talk in front of me as if I was not there. - 81   81  
19g) Nurses listened to me if I had any questions or concerns. 85 87 significantly better 87  
19h) As far as I was aware nurses washed/cleaned their hands at appropriate times. 88 90 significantly better 90  
20. How much do you agree or disagree that staff worked well together in organising your care? 84 85 significantly better 84  
21. Overall, how would you rate all the staff who you came into contact with? 87 87   87  
22a) My family or home situation was taken into account when planning for me leaving hospital. - 83   83  
22b) I was happy with how long I had to wait around when I was told I could go home. 73 73   73  
22c) I was given help with arranging transport. 65 62 significantly worse 61  
22d) I understood who to contact if I had any questions after leaving hospital. 81 80 significantly worse 80  
22e) I was told about any danger signals to watch for when I got home. 73 72 significantly worse 72  
22f) I was given advice on how to look after myself. 78 78   78  
22g) I was confident that any help I needed had been arranged for when I left hospital. 74 75 significantly better 75  
23b) I didn't have to wait too long to get my medicines*. - -   73  
23c) I understood what my medicines were for. 94 94   95 significantly better
23d) I understood how and when to take my medicines. 96 96   97 significantly better
23e) I understood the possible side effects and what to do if I had any concerns. 80 80   80  
24. Overall, how would you rate the arrangements made for you leaving hospital. 73 75   75  
26. Did you have to stay in hospital for longer than expected to wait for your care or support services to be organised?* - -   88  
27. Did you feel that you got the care or support services that were right for you?* - -   89  
28. Overall, how would you rate the care or support services you got after leaving hospital?* - -   82  
29a) I was treated with respect. 91 92   92  
29b) I was treated with care. 92 92   93  
29c) I got the best treatment for my condition. 89 87 significantly worse 88  
29d) I trusted the people looking after me. 90 91 significantly better 91  
29e) I understood what was happening to me. 89 90 significantly better 90  
29f) I was as physically comfortable as I could expect to be. 90 91 significantly better 91  
29g) My religious and spiritual needs were respected. 14 65 61   60  
29h) I was confident I could look after myself when I left hospital. 88 86 significantly worse 85 significantly worse


Email: Gregor Boyd

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