
Scottish Inpatient Patient Experience Survey 2012 Volume 1: National results

The Better Together Scottish Patient Experience Inpatient Survey is a postal survey, first conducted in early 2010, with the aim of establishing the experience of a sample of people aged 16 years and over who had a recent overnight hospital stay. The survey covers six specific areas of inpatient experience: admission to hospital; the hospital and ward; care and treatment; hospital staff; arrangements for leaving hospital; and care and support services after leaving hospital.


1. The Information Services Division (ISD) is part of National Services Scotland. ISD provides health information, health intelligence, statistical services and advice that supports the NHS in progressing quality improvement in health and care. ISD role's in the inpatient survey is to analyse the national and local results and produce NHS Board and hospital level reports.

2. Healthcare Improvement Scotland's (HIS) vision is to deliver excellence in improving the quality of the care and experience of every person in Scotland every time they access healthcare. HIS provides support for NHS boards to use the experiences of their patients to improve healthcare services.

3. Two Approved Contractors supported NHS Boards; they were Patient Perspective and Quality Health. Approved Contractors carried out the fieldwork element of the inpatient survey, organising the mail out of survey packs, issuing reminders to patients who did not respond, inputting and quality assurance of data and sending completed datasets of survey findings to Information Services Division.


5. Source: Health Improvement Scotland (previously NHS Quality improvement Scotland)



8. Better Together: Scotland's Patient Experience Programme Patient Priorities for Inpatient Care


10. Scottish Government website:

11. Source: Care Quality Commission,

12. Patient experience survey of GP and other local NHS Services 2011-12

13. The statement "I didn't have to wait too long to get my medicines" replaced "Any medicines I needed before I could go home were given to me in reasonable time" in the questionnaire.

14. Please note that the response scale changed in 2011 to remove the options "Note relevant" and "Don't know". This means that the 2011 and 2012 results cannot be compared with the 2010 result.


Email: Gregor Boyd

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