
Scottish Inpatient Patient Experience Survey 2014 Volume 1: National Results

Results from the fourth Scottish Inpatient Patient Experience Survey.

7. Results - Operations and Procedures


  • Over half of the patients who responded had an operation or procedure during their most recent stay in hospital. Patients were mostly positive about the explanations provided before and after the operation or procedure.
  • However results suggested that more could be done to prepare patients for how they would feel after the operation.

Operations and procedures

7.1. Over half of the patients (56%) had an operation or procedure during their most recent stay in hospital.

7.2. Good communication before and after surgery is essential. It assists patients in understanding the risks, benefits and possible outcomes of surgery and can assist in aiding recovery and adherence to medical treatment.

7.3. Those who indicated they had an operation or procedure were asked about the explanations staff provided before and afterward their surgery (Table 9).

7.4. Patients who had surgery were most positive about the explanations given beforehand around risks and benefits of surgery: 4 out of 5 patients (80%) indicated 'yes completely' to this question. Similarly 3 out of 4 patients (76%) indicated 'yes completely' to the questions on whether staff provided explanations about the operation itself (76%) and answered patient questions in a way they could understand (75%).

7.5. One area where patients were less positive was around explanations about how they would feel after the operation; only 3 out of 5 patients responded 'yes completely' to this question. Although may be easier for staff to provide explanations about the mechanics and risks and benefits of the procedure, it is important to convey how patients might feel afterwards to prepare them for what to expect. (table 4)

Table 9 Summary table of operations and procedures questions (%)

Question Yes, completely Patients answered Yes, to some extent No
Beforehand, did a member of staff explain the risks and benefits of the operation or procedure in a way you could understand? 80 16 4
Beforehand, did a member of staff explain what would be done during the operation or procedure? 76 19 5
Beforehand, were you told how you could expect to feel after you had the operation or procedure? 61 27 12
Beforehand, did a member of staff answer your questions about the operation or procedure in a way you could understand? 75 20 5
After the operation or procedure, did a member of staff explain how it had gone in a way you could understand? 71 21 7


Email: Sophie David

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