Scottish Inpatient Patient Experience Survey 2014 Volume 2: Technical Report

This report provides technical information on the survey design, sampling, fieldwork and analysis for the Scottish Inpatient Patient Experience Survey 2014.

7 Survey Response


  • This section of the report presents detail on response rates for the survey and summary analysis of non-responses. In addition, it provides an overview of survey routing errors and the level of double responses.

Response rate for the survey

  • The response rate for the survey is the number of completed forms returned as a percentage of the number of people in the sample. In total, 43,893 surveys were sent to patients and 21,127 were returned completed, giving an overall response rate of 48 per cent.

Respondent burden

  • The survey is short and should only take respondents 20 minutes to complete. The total burden as defined by (number of responses) * (time taken to respond) is 7,042 hours.

Response analysis

  • The number of responses analysed for each question is lower than the total number of responses received. This is because not all of the questionnaires returned could be included in the calculation of results for every individual question. This was mainly for the following reasons
  • The specific question did not apply to the respondent and so they did not answer it. For example if they were not admitted to the A&E department the respondent therefore did not answer questions about their experience at A&E
  • The respondent did not answer the question for another reason (e.g. refused). Patients were advised that if they did not want to answer a specific question they should leave it blank
  • The respondent answered that they did not know or could not remember the answer to a particular question, or
  • The respondent gave an invalid response to the question, for example they ticked more than one box where only one answer could be accepted.
  • Response analysis numbers also varied to an extent between NHS Board and site reporting due to suppressions and exclusions that were applied at different levels of analysis.

Response rates

  • The highest response rate for an NHS Board was the National Waiting Times Centre (75%) and the lowest response rate was for Lanarkshire (42%).

Table 6 Response rate by NHS Board

NHS Board Total forms sent out Number of Responses Response Rate Expected Response Rate
Ayrshire and Arran 4,968 2,281 46% 51%
Borders 720 378 53% 59%
Dumfries and Galloway 2,310 1,202 52% 59%
Fife 1,070 486 45% 49%
Forth Valley 928 417 45% 46%
Grampian 5,507 2,772 50% 55%
Greater Glasgow and Clyde 12,870 5,878 46% 49%
Highland 4,251 2,170 51% 55%
Lanarkshire 2,321 969 42% 46%
Lothian 5,013 2,426 48% 51%
Orkney 237 115 49% 57%
Shetland 291 134 46% 49%
Tayside 2,180 1,074 49% 53%
Western Isles 403 209 52% 52%
National Waiting Times Centre 824 616 75% 75%
Total 43,893 21,127 48% 52%

Of the 21,127 respondents

  • 19,467 sent their surveys back in the post
  • 1,563 completed their survey online
  • 96 completed their survey via the telephone helpline, and
  • the remaining 1 completed the survey using the telephone translation helpline.

Non response


  • Prior to initial survey packs and reminder letters being sent, NHSCR undertook checks to ensure that surveys were not sent to people who were registered as deceased.
  • Before the questionnaires were initially sent, 866 people were identified as deceased by NHSCR checks and removed from the sample. Prior to the first and second reminders, NHSCR checks identified 352 and 263 people as deceased respectively and they were not sent reminders.
  • During the fieldwork period 51 people contacted the contractors by phone or post to inform the contractor that the person who had been sent a survey had since died.


  • A total of 769 (2%) questionnaires were returned to the contractors as undelivered. The sample was drawn from ISD's SMR01 hospital admission system which is populated from each NHS Board's inpatient records and therefore addresses would have been checked with the patient during their stay. It is possible that a number of patients have moved address during the period after leaving hospital and the survey being distributed.

Returned blank

  • A total of 2,136 (5%) questionnaires were returned blank. Some of these questionnaires were returned blank because the person was too ill to complete it.


Email: Andrew Paterson

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